You Can't Do This To Me

"Jenna, you can't do this to me," Bryce said desperately, a hint of his earlier anger coming through his tone. "You don't get to say that after everything you put me through. If you don't want me, say it to me straight instead of making dumb excuses."

The misery on her face turned to astonishment. "What?"

"I'm saying you're not even giving us a chance to be happy again! If you're still in love with the me you remember and I'm still in love with the you I remember, why can't we get to know each other properly as we are now and try again? It's the least we could do for Wesley's sake."

"Even you acknowledge I put you through hell so why would you want that?!"

"Because I've wasted enough of my life chasing after a ghost already. Tessa might be one but you aren't. You're real and you're right here living with our son without me. I can't accept that.