You Must Really Love Her

Everyone took turns borrowing the RV to change out of their wet, still fairly muddy clothes so they could head to a nearby drive-in burger place with outdoor seating. Jenna and Bryce both had to use several towels to dry themselves off and make sure the car seats didn't get too dirty. She used one to wrap her hair in so the muddy water didn't drip everywhere. 

He wanted to ask her if she got comments like the ones earlier a lot but chickened out. "So…do you see those guys a lot?"

"We have a rotating group," she explained. "Normally there are a few more girls there that I'm fairly sure only come to see JoJo and Yohan. Some guys that had other plans tonight too. The rest are kind of obnoxious but we put up with them because they put up with us. They're a mixture of people he knows from work and met at various singles' events." 

"And none of them are your friends?"