...My Reputation Precedes Me

"What are you thinking about over there?" Bryce asked, shaking Jenna out of her reverie. 

She glanced behind her to double check that Wesley was asleep before answering. This wasn't something he should overhear but she didn't want to lie. There had already been more than enough of that between the two of them. 

"I posted pictures from today on Instagram and got a whole lot of disbelief from people I knew in high school," she confessed. 

His brow furrowed. "This again? What is people's problem with believing you could be dating someone? Honestly! It's more than a little ridiculous." 

"…my reputation precedes me."

"Some reputation. I didn't realize you were on social media though. I thought you were against having your picture posted online since you were so adamant about it before. What changed your mind?"