Unfortunately, That Was How It Went

Detective Jodie Miller hated stalking cases. The victims always seemed so helpless and there really wasn't much that could be done. If they were caught, they could be prosecuted but a lot of the time they were back on the streets in six months with nothing more than a restraining order to keep them away.

Restraining orders didn't always work. She had seen it time and time again. The case often turned from domestic violence to homicide.

She hated that. Hated being involved in one of the worst departments. Domestic violence was rough to witness over and over again. Especially when kids were involved.

Working on fraud cases would be so much easier but she didn't get to pick where she went. She had been on the domestic violence squad for two years now and didn't see that changing any time soon.

What Jodie hated most was when stalkers were smart. They were much harder to catch that way and the poor victim was stuck living under threat.