She Left Him

Casey woke up in bed in a panic. His head was bandaged and hurt like crazy but he couldn't remember what happened. 

Candy must have done this but she wouldn't have carried him to his room. He had to have gotten here by himself so the injury must not be too bad. He was just tired. 

He checked his phone and did a double take when he saw the date. It was Sunday morning? But he had gotten hurt Friday night, hadn't he? It must have happened after he got home from the dance. The last thing he remembered was getting a ride home. 

Had he really gotten off this easy? One cut was tame considering how angry his sister must have been…though having it on his face sucked. He was going to have to grow out his bangs to hide it. 

Cautiously making his way out to the kitchen, Casey didn't see Candy anywhere so he got himself some cereal and made a bowl. He continued scanning for movement as he ate, not wanting her to sneak up on him when he wasn't ready.