Why Was The World Out To Get Them?

Casey carried on. His life was a blur of going to work, going home to read, running errands, and doing chores. 

Sometimes he wondered if it was time to try and sell the farmhouse but he didn't want to do that until he absolutely had to. He didn't want to go back there. He was afraid. 

Kane called him stupid for it, saying he could use the money to get a better house or go on vacation or something. A better house might be nice but what use did he have for a vacation? He had never left the Seattle area. Where would he even go?

Vacations were meant for people with lives. Friends. Families. People who had places to go and things to see. That wasn't Casey at all. 

He had accomplished his goal of getting a real adult job so beyond that he didn't know what to do with himself. He didn't have any real aspirations or anything to look forward to aside from additional books in series he liked getting released.