I Do What Needs To Be Done

Howard Jamison had seen a lot in his day. He had even seen a few cases of dissociative identity disorder so he was curious how this one would compare when Devin Manfred contacted him. 

He had never seen a case of DID involved in a crime personally before. That certainly made things tricky from a legal standpoint. 

Devin had filled him in on everything he knew through Vera Gilmore, the patient's girlfriend and current legal guardian. DID was always caused by traumatic events in early childhood and the extent of his scarring seemed traumatic enough at a glance. He had seen the pictures the police had taken. 

They were so much worse in person. When Howard first saw Casey Parker and the patchwork of scars all over his arms and the one on his forehead he realized that this was going to be a difficult case. 

Kane, Casey's alter, seemed perfectly composed though, albeit suspicious of meeting new people. He accepted them solely because of Vera.