Daddy Shark

That time didn't come nearly fast enough. Casey was impatient for things to go faster while Vera seemed to want them to slow down, always talking about how she couldn't believe how big their baby was getting. 

Ada moved from crawling to walking and began to say a few words that were mostly indecipherable mush but they figured out based on context clues. Her first word was 'dada' and Vera joked that it must be nice to be the favorite. 

He didn't think he was the favorite. He thought it was because he saw the baby more. 

She did love her mother and always wanted to snuggle and read books with her or be sung to. Casey wasn't any good at reading aloud or singing so he happily left that to his wife. 

One nice thing about Ada getting older was that they were finally able to go on dates without her. Their usual sitter wasn't available in the evenings but other people from the service she was from were.