Why Was He Here?

Kane didn't know what was going on when he woke up. He scanned the area for threats or causes for Casey's overstimulation or stress but couldn't find any. He didn't know where he was. This apartment was not the one he remembered. How long had he been out this time? 

He would have thought after such a traumatic event that Casey would need him more than usual. It seemed he had been wrong. 

He really doubted that they would have moved so quickly after Vera had multiple surgeries but supposed they would need to eventually for the baby's sake. It had to have been at least a few months, if not more. 

Kane was alone in here so he needed to do a bit of investigating to see if he could find out how much time had passed. He checked his phone's lock screen, which was a picture of Vera, and it said 'Monday, July 8th.' Okay. So it had been more than six months. He had been out for about that long when she was pregnant.