Chapter 28

Olivia Miller's POV

I was having a very bad feeling about the entire thing. Alex didn't say anything after he said we needed to go somewhere. I was all in for knowing the truth but with each step it seemed to be a bad idea.

I shivered when a sudden cold wind touched my body. Alex showed no reaction as he continued to walk. "Where are we going?"

Got no answer from him. We kept walking until we came across a fast food shop. "Stop! I need to eat something. That ordeal made me hungry and you are not telling me where we are going."

That did the trick and Alex finally came out of the trance. "You didn't eat in that party?"

"Maybe I did but I don't remember. My mind ain't in a good condition and wants to be comforted with something familiar and nothing can be more comfortable than food."

"Then let's go inside." Alex seemed surprisingly eager.