I noticed Lizzie wasn't in the room when I woke up the next morning. I'm guessing she left me and went to class.

The bathroom was not as large as Aunt's in Utah or ours in Florida, but it was adequate for a school dormitory. I spruced up and, as customary, put on the first outfit from my suitcase and i brushed my lengthy bleached front strands hair before leaving the school campus.

I checked my wristwatch for the time and saw that it was 7:30 a.m., which meant that I was still early for my first lecture, which was scheduled to begin at exactly 8 a.m. The worms in my stomach were wailing and beating my insides at that very moment, signaling that no food was falling to them, which fuckin meant that I was starving. Lizzie ditched me, and I had no idea where the school cafeteria was or anything.

Because I was a shy person, I had no idea how to ask students passing by where the school cafeteria was located. I was walking aimlessly, unsure of what to do, when I accidentally bumped my head on a cool rock, or, fuck no, on a broad chest. Previously, only my stomach hurt, but now my head hurts as well,my lengthy bleached front strands hair hiding my face. I swallowed my saliva and cleared my throat, feeling self-conscious. Why is it that this is happening on my first day of college? I moved my hair to the back of my shoulder and raised my face, still scratching my aching head with my fingers, to discover a burly figure staring at me.

"Have we met before?" he asked, pointing at me as if having a hard time figuring out something. I stared him in the eyes; he was beyond attractive with his brooding looks, windswept blonde hair, enormous black shirt on blue denim, and finally chuck Taylors sneakers. I was so enthralled by his appearance that I failed to notice that he had already asked a question.

"Please excuse me. Have we met before?"

I stroke a strand of my hair from my face to my ear.

"Have we?" I wondered.

Then I felt as though my entire life was about to fall apart.

"The grocery guy!" I exclaimed sharply.

"Do you attend this college?" he asked, rolling his eyes.

I drew my arms together and arched one of my brows "Why are you so concerned? I'm sorry for deceiving you and failing to assist you with your groceries that day, but I need to be somewhere else right now "..

I wanted to be somewhere other than there at the time, so I tried to leave, but he approached me from behind, making it difficult for me to go.

"You do realize you owe me money as a result of that? I don't want a sorry", he smirked.

"Then I'll never see you," I muttered as I turned to depart in the opposite direction, and it was at that precise moment that my stomach began to grumble uncomfortably, making me feel embarrassed.

I shifted my gaze to his.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Nothing much," he said as he drew closer and rubbed his palms together, "you just have to keep helping me buy groceries every weekend during the hols."

I breathed a sigh of relief; for a little moment, I believed he was a perv, and now all I had to do was purchase groceries for him, "absolutely."

My response elicited a laugh from him. Whoa, his laughter drew my attention to him; how can a guy look that attractive even while he's laughing?

"Is that all?" I asked, clearing my voice.

"You'll be my P.A. till I complete college," he smirked again as he walked around me and stopped at an angle of 180 degrees.

Dafuuq!!! I'm not prepared to be anyone's personal assistant. I agree that what I did was inexcusable, but that was a no-no. Isn't that bullying? I suppose not....whatever.

"Your stomach doesn't want me to leave. Oh, you've got a big appetite. If it's not too much trouble, I know a fantastic cafeteria on campus "He smirked smugly.

I really wanted to get out of there, but my stomach had let me down, so I didn't have an option.

"I don't mind, but you're not going into the cafeteria with me," I responded, my brow wrinkled.

He flashed a light snigger and led me to the cafeteria.

I entered via the cafeteria's exquisite door. My mum refers to a cafeteria door as a saloon door, hence this cafeteria's door is a Tudor panelled style saloon door.

I spotted the food counter, I decided take my time placing my order.

I had placed an order for fried rice and hibachi chicken, as well as a glass of water.

"I'd want to order the same meal," said the person next to me.

I peeked next to me and saw the grocery guy. He seemed to be stalking me, but I'm not sure whether that's true. I pretended I didn't notice him and moved my tray-served meal to the first unoccupied seat I saw.

As soon as I finished the first spoonful of fried rice, a person slid into a seat across from me at the same table. When I peered up to check who it was, I realized it was the same guy. I was quite irritated because I was convinced he was stalking me.

"How many times do I have to apologize to you before you just give up and leave me alone? Is this excuse enough for you to continue stalking me?". I yelled at him.

He didn't respond to me and instead began eating his meal, which infuriated me greatly.

"And now you won't even reply me?" I yelled as I set down my spoon.

He finally snarled at me and raged back, "I need that peace more than you do, so keep your mouth shut. Do you think I want to sit here? I'm here because this is the only available vacant seat in the cafeteria, and I was on my way there when you crashed into me. You are free to leave if you like; I am unconcerned ", and he resumed his meal

I peered the cafeteria to make sure he was speaking the truth, and I felt terrible for raging at him, so I ate my meal slowly and discreetly. He finished his meal and rose up before me

He approached me and whispered in my ear, "I'll certainly have my revenge very soon, and I'll make you my slave instead of my P.A," before walking away.

I couldn't finish my dinner because of what he said, which made me quiver. So I drank my water and headed over to the cashier to pay for my meal.

I felt I had messed up with the wrong person. The cashier informed me that my dinner had previously been paid for by a friend. Who could this friend be? Is it Jake or Lizzie?