A new Khloe

Khloe's POV

I wish I never met Liam. Even though I behave like a badass I'm still really decent.

I've always wanted to keep myself for the right man and I believed Liam was the one, that was what made me give my body to him.

But now that I know it means nothing to him, I will have to change my ways and create new rules for myself.

No. 1 rule: No late night parties or clubbing, Sydney, Natalie and Lilian are still going to be my friends but I won't let them affect me negatively.

No. 2 rule: No talking to guys. My number one enemy from today onwards is the opposite sex.

No. 3 rule: No bullying of students anymore and I will only mind my business.

I'm also going to apologise to Aubrey for all the things I've done to her.

I'm going to cancel the deal I made with Liam tomorrow and avoid him like a plague.

Next day

Liam's POV

Isn't there a way I can avoid this deal with Khloe? I thought about it overnight but no idea came to mind.