Her nude pictures II

Khloe's POV

I and Aubrey went to class but immediately we got there, the students bursted into laughter.

"I can't believe I saw the almighty Khloe's nude" one of them said

"I really hate the person that deleted everything on net and I don't even have a saved copy on my phone" another one said

"But to be sincere, her body is really great. I mean, those nipples were really pink and her p**sy was well shaved" a guy said and some of them started moaning.

Unable to take it anymore, I turned around and wanted to run out of the class in tears but Aubrey stopped me.

"You can do this. Don't give the person that did this to you a reason to mock you. Show them you're still that Khloe that isn't threatened by anyone.

The pictures are not longer online so it's going to die down soon, just be strong okay?"

Oh God! What did I ever do to deserve someone like Aubrey? I really don't deserve her.

"Thanks Aubrey" I said and wiped my tears

"That's the spirit. Fighting!"