Killing her

Aubrey's POV

I wonder why Jayden suddenly wants to be friends with me. First it was Liam, then Min Seok and now it's Jayden, who would be the next?

I shrugged the thoughts off and went home to meet Samantha in my room.

"Girlfriend!" I exclaimed happily and hugged her "I've missed you"

"I wasn't around for only one day and you're screaming like this? Keep pretending"

"You know that's a lie Sam, I really missed you"

"Yeah, yeah whatever! How was school today?"

"Fine, I think"

"Hmm. Is there something I'm missing?"

"N... No. Of course not."

"Spill it" she said making me roll my eyes

"Well, Jayden asked me to be his friend and... "

"And what?" she asked with raised brows

"And nothing"

"Aubrey.... So you've started hiding things from me?" she asked feigning hurt

"Fine! I went out with Min Seok yesterday"

"Like a date?"

"No! We're just friends"

"Better! Liam is the guy for you"