Detention for them

Min Seok's POV

I sat on my bed lost in thought. I don't even know what to think about, I just feel really weak.

First I had to stay away from Aubrey, someone I love so much just to avoid Liam's trouble.

And now, the only friend I have turns out to be a murderer. Isn't my life so interesting?

I sighed tiredly and took out my phone staring at the pictures of Aubrey on my phone. I really miss her but I'm trying so hard to avoid having a problem with Liam.

Like she heard my thought wherever she is, her call came in.

I was tempted to pick the call but I know if I do, I will start telling her how much I miss her and I might even tell her Liam asked me to stay away from her.

I don't want to be the one to ruin their relationship so I'm not going to pick her call. I have just few months left to spend in school so I will just endure until then.

Besides, the person my heart really wants is Byeol. I wonder why I'm feeling the same way for Aubrey.