Princess Elina or the entire clan

Lina knew she was so much in a big mess, “I went to the demons’ land” Lina stammered “and they did this to you?” Her father asked pointing at her body

“Yes” Lina replied shortly “I hope you have learnt your lesson” Edmond said and walked away leaving her with her mother

“You disobeyed an instruction never to step foot on the demons’ land” Esther roared with anger reflecting in her voice “I’m sorry mom” Lina apologized “leave” ordered Esther and Lina left

“And one more thing, you are grounded” Esther screamed.

Lina sat on the bed in her room, thinking of the events that happened ‘why would he let me go so easily?’ Lina asked herself, lost in her thought Hazel and Ruth slightly tapped her

“Greetings my princess” they greeted in unison “Hazel, Ruth, how are you guys?”

“We’re fine my princess” they replied simultaneously “princess Lina, why did you go to the demons’ land when you know fully well that they hate us witches” Ruth was the one who asked

Lina gave her a hard stare and that made Ruth start drawing imaginary lines on the floor “princess Lina, do you care for a warm bath alongside a massage?” Hazel asked “yes, thank you” Lina replied

Lina loved her two personal maids, both of them had different characteristics and both were opposite, it was a miracle that both of them blended perfectly.

Ruth is a bold and outspoken girl, she tells you her mind despite the position you are occupying, Lina loves her because she knows how to make people forget their worries for some time by cracking jokes and engaging in serious conversation with them.

Unlike Ruth Hazel is a serious minded person, she is there to do her duties and do them well, she neither crackes jokes nor engage in conversation with you. Lina loves her because of her good ability to advice people

After undressing, Lina walked into the bathroom and slid into the bathe tub full of warm water. Her maids were doing a good job massaging her

“My princess, who did this to you?” Ruth asked “its prince Lyle, he ordered his guards to do this to me” Lina replied and shut her eyes close.

Lina wore a red lace gown with length at her kneel, she then used a black cloak to cover up her body before going to her sister’s room

“Who did this to you?” Eva asked the moment Lina walked in “the demons” Lina replied shortly

“Why did you go there?” Eva asked again “don’t want to talk about it”

“What did you see and learn there?” Eva continued to ask “I learnt one thing” “what is that?” “That demons are heart hardened” Lina pointed out and that made Eva to start laughing hilariously

“How did you escape?” “He released me” “wait! Are you for real?” “Yes” Lina replied “I am going to my room, good night big sis” “good night love”

Eva engulfed Lina in a warm hug as they both separated and went to bed.

The following day;

Lina woke up very early in the morning, her thoughts drifting back to the demon prince, she was begging to imagine having the man to herself. Wait! Is she having feelings? Well any woman on earth can go down on her kneels begging for his love, it was not a bad thing she had her eyes in him or is it?

Shifting every other thoughts aside she got set for training, she wore her training clothes and went to the training ground. Arriving the training ground, no one was there, quite unusual!

“Princess Lina, his majesty, prince Ezekiel and Ezra are in the council room” a warrior spoke “what about Eva?” “I don’t know my princess” he replied and Lina went in search for her sister, she wasn’t in her room so she went to her mother’s room

Esther and Eva were sitting on the queen sized bed in the room

“Good morning mom” Lina greeted “good morning darling, how are you doing?” “I’m fine mom” Lina replied

“Mom back to discussion, how do I gain the favor of the people?” Eva asked and before Esther could say something Lina interjected “why would you want to gain the favor of the people?”

“I want to be the next and second female general of the royal army” Eva spoke with pride, Lina turned to look at her mom

“It’s not a bad ambition” Esther said “I did not say it’s a bad ambition but I wanted to see your reaction” Lina stated “at least she has a better goal than you who go to the demons’ land uninvited” Esther said with heavy sarcasm

Ezra entered inside the room and whispered something in their mother’s ear, her expression changed as he spoke

“Lina, Eva back to your rooms” Esther ordered and left with Ezra “whatever Ezra whispered to mom isn’t good” Eva stated “something is definitely amiss, need to check it out” Lina added “but mom said we should go to our rooms” “i am sorry sis but I can’t obey that instruction” Lina told her before vanishing.

Lina ran out and saw the two big gates of the castle wide open with people running in, “something is wrong” she muttered as she ran to her room to get a view of the warriors’ ground

Warriors were dressing up, looks like a war is about to break out, at the end was Ezekiel and Edmond soon Ezra and Esther joined them

“Edmond! What is going on?” Esther asked, Edmond could see the fear in his wife’s eyes so her asked the warriors and his sons to leave

“What is it Esther, I need my female general back, what is the meaning of the panicking?” “I am strong now” she said trying to overcome her fears “good, now I need you to use your powers to create a force that the demons can’t penetrate” he said and she nodded.

Standing in front of everyone was Ezra, Ezekiel, Edmond, and Esther, opposite them was prince Lyle, immortal Peres and the demon’s army

“I need the entire royal family out” Lyle stated and Edmond sent for Eva and Lina.

The moment Lina stepped out, her eyes connected with that of Lyle, his handsome face void of any emotion, Lina gulped at his sight.

“It’s two options, king Edmond” Lyle continued “what do you want?” Edmond asked

“It’s princess Elina or the entire clan” Lyle said and everyone’s eyes widened