
Lina thought of running away but it would actually meant no sense, he knew she was there. Silently walking out of her hidden place her identity was revealed to them.

"Why are you listening to our conversation?" Lucian thundered, her eyes met that of his and a low hiss left her mouth

"I…I…wa…s" Lina stammered "get lost" Peres voice echoed with this Lina left to her room.

The entire castle became silent when Peres and Lyle left. Seemed like Peres and Lyle were the vibe of the house.

Lina sat on the bed in her room thinking about the past few days of her life. She badly wanted to speak with her mother.

"Hi Lina, can I join you?" Gina asked peeping through the door "yes I am so bored" Lina replied smiling. "How are you?" Gina asked "I'm fine and you?" "I'm fine, let's talk" "I really wanted to ask you how fate brought you and Peres back" asked Lina .

Gina breathed in heavily and said

"I was reborn in a human world, when I was growing up I had blur memories of my past I couldn't understand the meaning of those memories. When I was twenty years old I had an accident and I was unconscious for a week. During the period I was unconscious I had a dream. I was with a woman who appeared to be a goddess of death named Anita she took me somewhere and began showing me myself a thousand years ago. She told me that I had an uncompleted mission which I had to complete. She also told me that I needed to be careful so that I won't leave this world without completing my mission, I had only one more chance on earth which was now. When I woke up I realized that I had a whole lot to do. I then went out in search of Peres. I found him in the human world, I didn't know how I recognized him but my instincts told me that it was him. I started by becoming his friend, lover, fiancée, and presently his wife"

"What exactly was your mission to earth?" Lina asked "I really don't know, when I asked her in my dreams she told me that she wasn't in the position to tell me what my mission is" Gina replied

"could it be the battle that is approaching?" Lina asked "what battle?" "Didn't Peres tell you? Oh! I'm sorry but Lyle told him not to tell you" Lina said realizing that Gina was not meant to know

"what battle are talking of?" "There is a battle approaching, according to the prophecy; at least a witch, a demon and a fairy is needed for it" Lina responded "are you serious?" Gina asked, there was clearly an evident of fear in her voice "yes I'm, the day you caught me eavesdropping was the day I heard all this" Lina further explained.

Gina sat still, her little brain accessing every word that left Lina's mouth. She couldn't take it anymore, she left. Leaving only Lina in the room.

The following day;

Lina woke up hearing some voices from outside, seemed like they are back, the journey was actually longer than she thought. She quickly put on her purple robe and went outside.

When she arrived the sitting room she saw Gina in Peres arms as he was planting sweet kisses on her face, she smiled at that sight, looking up straight she saw Lyle standing and beside him a young lady who seemed to be in her age grade.

Red hair, golden brown eyes, thick red lips, thick black eyelashes, tall but sexy shape, back side more than enough to kill a man, long legs. All this features belonged to the lady standing beside Lyle. She was a true definition of beauty. An epitome of beauty!

Lina stood still gazing at this beautiful creature standing in front of her, she was rendered speechless.

"Welcome my prince" said a maid and that jolted Lina back to her senses, she tried to cover up but she knew that Lyle had seen her become overwhelmed. Lyle told the maid to take her to a room upstairs. Wait a second why does she get a room upstairs when she gets to stay downstairs.

Strangely she became angry. Lina marched back to her room without saying a word to neither Lyle nor the lady. Why should she care? She asked herself when she barged inside her room. Finally summoning up courage she walked out of her room to that of the lady.

"Hi" Lina said forcing a smile "hi" she replied shortly "I'm princess Elina of the witches" "you are witch?" The lady asked

"yes I'm" "I'm Pearl, princess of the fairies" Pearl said with a smile "nice to meet you Pearl" Lina said "nice to meet you too Elina"

"just call me Lina" Lina told her "okay, I really want to know what prince Lyle is capturing us?" "I trust Lyle, I know he knows what he doing, my instincts tells me to trust him" Lina stated.

Pearl's eyes looked passed her, it seemed like as she was looking at someone, turning around Lina found Lyle leaning on the door, Lina swallowed deep.

"How many spells have you learnt so far?" Lyle asked and Lina's eyes shone. Her spells, she had forgotten about it

"I…I" Lina stammered "leave" he told her and she left. Lina felt uneasy leaving only Pearl and Lyle in the room. She tried reaching for Gina but she was occupied with Peres. Lina went back to her room. After staying for about an hour without anything to do, she decided to train.

Lina was shocked at what she saw when she arrived the training ground, Lyle was fighting against Pearl. Anger like no other filled her, he didn't even train with her when she came, she bit her lower lip to avoid spitting some harsh words. Lyle noticed her presence but didn't say anything to her, he just continued fighting with Pearl. Lina stood like a pillar watching them, she had to leave before she erupts.

Walking along the corridor she thought 'first she gets a room upstairs and now she gets to fight against him barely twenty four hours she arrived' thinking of this she hurriedly went back to her room and shut the door behind her.

Lina stayed alone till it was dinner time, after dinner she went to the garden to ease herself. Suddenly she heard Lucian's voice

"your highness, she is really talented" Lina heard Lucian compliment "yes she is, she is also a good swordsman" Lyle added

"at least she is better than that good for nothing witch name tagged Elina" Lucian said and Lina's eyes widened ‘what on earth has she done to this man?' "She can't even perform spells, what arrant nonsense" Lucian continued. Lina hoped that Lyle would defend her but she was wrong Lyle didn't say a word.

Lina was determined to learn her spells, she quickly went to her room, brought her spell book and practiced in the garden all night long.

She was trying to learn her twenty fifth spell when the sun was gradually setting. Her eyes became heavy and the whole world seemed like it revolves around her. She could no longer stand her ground. She slumped.

Lina was waiting for her body to hit the ground but it didn't. She noticed some certain hands were holding her firm, looking at the owner of those hands, she realized she was in Lyle's arms. Lyle stared directly into her weak silver eyes, he brushed the strands of hair which was covering her face away.

"You don't need to stress yourself to prove to someone you are capable of learning your spells, I know you can do it" Lyle deep voice filled the air. Wait a sec, he knew she was at the garden listening to his conversation to Lucian. Her eyes widened in shock.