
Natalia is a six year old girl who lives with a woman she assumed to be her grandmother. Her father was a military officer and her mother was a housewife.

Her mother was on her delivery bed when news reached her that her husband was dead, he was one of the many that died in the war, due to the trauma of such news when she gave birth to Natalia, she died that instant, leaving the innocent baby all alone in this world.

The nurses were all confused because they didn’t know what to do, both parent were dead and they didn’t know any relative of hers that they could call, so they came up with an idea of sending her to the orphanage.

But one of the nurses had a devilish plan, so she carried her and sold her to the Vikings in exchange for lot of money.

The baby became a lot of problem to the Vikings while they traveled so they came to a conclusion to leave the baby in the forest to die off. Natalia stayed in the forest for a full week without water, food and was prone to many attacks from wild animals and insects but the surprising thing was that she didn’t die.

It felt like there was so much powers embedded in this little girl, it wasn’t ordinary powers but powers of the ancestors that kept her alive.

It was a cool evening when Karen (the elderly woman) decided to go for a walk and also pluck some plants for herbal medicine, she didn’t believe in synthetic drugs so she made use of herbal medicines.

She heard a loud cry of a baby from a distance and she didn’t know why but she felt the urge to find that baby, she had a good hearing organ so she followed the sound of the baby cries, there and then she found a little baby girl wrapped in a white cloth, she picked the baby from the ground and purple particles shone around her head region

“Indeed, the ancestors have blessed us with a great baby, another mystery we would be unraveling, she is a blessing to our world, welcome to planet earth” she said cuddling the small baby girl.

As if she understood what Karen said she smiled and held Karen tighter, “I think my time here is up, I would be taking you home, I’m Karen and you are?” She asked as if she could reply

“Hmmm, I would be calling you Cynthia, do you like it?” She asked and the baby frowned “ok, I get it you don’t like the name, how about Natalia, shortly Talia?” She asked again and this time the baby smiled.

Karen carefully carried the baby home, when she got home, she bath her, clothes her and carried her to the human’s market where she would get some clothes and basically baby’s food for her.

Karen took care of Talia, and taught her so much things, though behind the scenes she had been trying to figure out her background and know what exactly she is as for Karen she was a demon.

She grew up into a beautiful young girl, she was sent to a human school and taught various things, to Karen’s surprise she declared her interest in karate, and Karen helped in training her. She won so many medals for her school, she was the best karate player of her set.

Karen knew that there was more to Talia just been the best karate fighter in her school, she knew that most of the times her powers would make her the champion. Karen tried to keep this to herself until she grew up but the too wise Talia came home one day asking

“Grandma, who am I?” The question stunned Karen “what do you mean?” She asked trying to cover up “grandma, I know I’m no human, who am I grandma, I know you know” she continued

“Ok Talia, if you are no human then what are you?” Karen tried to sound realistic “demon? Witch? Or fairy?” Talia asked “Natalia, i can see that too much of cartoons have messed with your brain, from now henceforth, no more cartoons! You would be watching educative tv shows” Karen sounded really upset but Talia didn’t back down

“Grandma, no matter how hard you try to tell me that witches, fairies, and demons don’t exist, I won’t believe you because after conducting my investigation I found out that they do exist, and point of correction, no cartoon is messing with my brain, the truth is the one messing with it” Talia stated and went to her room.

Shock no utter disbelief filled Karen the moment Talia was out of sight, she shouldn’t know about this, or have she met a demon, witch or fairy? Questions filled Karen’s head. Some part of her wanted to tell Talia the truth but it would cause harm. This been unknown to her was for her own good, right?

The past few years, Karen had been digging the secrets of Talia, the young girl had so much powers and was a gift to mankind, the question is why would they let her become an orphan? What was her existence on earth for? What mission is she here for?

Karen had gone to see the prophetess to ask about Talia, the prophetess said “the girl is a gift to mankind, her existence is not a mistake, everything had been planned by the ancestors. She is on a mission to bring unity, peace and orderliness between people, because of her, people will reconcile”

Karen then came up with a mutual understanding that whatever she was here for, it was for peace. She was like a peacemaker from above sent to bring peace to the world. But what peace?