Wrong decision

The air around the garden was tensed, the clashing of swords were heard from a distance

“One thing you must note is that you have to watch your partner’s back while fighting, this is done to minimize death of your fellow member” Lina heard Lucian’s voice from afar.

She approached the garden and saw everyone sparring except Peres who just sat with his legs crossed and Lucian who gave the command.

“Stop!” Peres ordered and everyone obeyed, he stood up and walked to the middle of the garden where they were fighting and stood there

“I am not impressed by this fight at all, I need more energy because when fighting, you need energy, fight like there is no tomorrow, fight till the last drop of your blood, fight carelessly, never drop your guard, that is how we fight! Am I understood?” He asked and there was a roar of yes

Peres was about to return to his seat when he sensed Lina, he turned slowly and found her standing at the exit of the garden

“Why are you coming now?” Lucian fired as usual, Lina rolled her eyes, when would this man be tired of pestering and finding fault in whatever she does? Maybe when she dies.

“Let her be Lucian, she is old enough to make decisions for herself” Peres stated and for a moment a mocking smile appeared on her face as she walked towards them

“Join Gina’s team” Peres ordered which she obeyed. It was a two team fight, they fought and watched their partner

“May the best team win!” Lucian’s voice filled the air and just as he said that, the fight began.

“That is the spirit, now I like what is happening” Peres muttered under his breath, the fight was a tough one, they did not mind injuring themselves besides that was how Peres viewed training.

Lina used this opportunity to practice her skills which she had been learning, it was really good as one could notice how good she was with her sword. She remembered those times when she did not know how to fight, how hard it was for her then, if anyone told her then that she would be a good swordsman now, she would never believe it. Anyways here she was! Doing it, how time flies!

Just as she was lost in her past, Pearl noticed her distraction and used that opportunity to slash her hand, causing blood to spill out, Lina looked at the spot where Pearl injured her and then Pearl

“Fight till the last drop of your blood” Pearl said with an evil smirk, she was reminding Lina what Peres said

“You!” Lina muttered and then fought her back mercilessly, she did not even mind if it would cause attention which it did because everyone stopped sparring.

Peres sprang up to his feet when he saw that the spar was out of control, he rushed to separate the duo who were fighting with their hands now, thanks to the fact that their swords flew off their hands.

They were exchanging blows, slaps, punches, head butt and so on, “separate them!” Peres ordered and the huge men approached them, two of them carried Pearl while two carried Lina

“You witch! You have not seen anything about me, I promise you, you are going to hate me for life!!” Pearl spat out

“I do not freaking care, you are an asshole, a bitch a…” Lina couldn’t continue because one of those men tied up her mouth

Lina tried to shake free but those men were too huge and big for her liking,

“Our lord, were do we take them?” One of the men asked “their rooms, lock them in” Peres replied and they left with them.

“What would have caused this fight?” Peres was clearly pissed off “I think they have a feud” Gina replied causing Peres’ gaze to land on her

“I hope you were not hurt” he asked gazing all over her body “no, I am just surprised at Lina and Pearl’s outburst” Gina replied “were they quarreling?” “No, I do not know” Gina yawned

“Whatever it is, I just think it is a girl fight, I would figure it out” Gina said before planting a kiss on Peres cheeks and leaving for the main building.

“Lyle left all the responsibilities for me, we should have captured males and not females because they have lot of problems” Peres hissed as Adam chuckled at his statement

“We just have to get to the bottom of everything, that is all I think we should do” Adam said before leaving Peres alone in the garden.

Pearl disliked Lina from the day she saw her first, something told her that they were here for competition, and also she wanted all of Lyle’s attention but Lyle was neutral to her as well as Lina but she could not help but feel jealous when Lyle is around Lina, it felt like he was cheating on her, but they were not together, she hated Lina after that ball dance as she could not get the incident off her mind.

Lina, well everyone has the right to fall for someone and Lyle was a cute guy, he was like a Greek god whose beauty was nothing compared to anyone, so let’s just say Lina liked his physical appearance, she did not hate Pearl but hated the fact that Lyle spent more time with her (Pearl) than her, (which she thinks), Lina started noticing that Pearl was picking on her and that really messed with her mind and what happened today only triggered her dislike for her.

Lyle must have made a wrong decision bringing two of them, because they were like cat and dog, they can not collaborate.

A/N: hi giftedreaders, what did you think about Lina’s actions, drop a comment and share your story idea.