Choose wisely

“No Peres, choose the latter please” Gina managed to talk in between Diana’s grip

“It is up to you to make the decision, choose wisely” Diana smirked.

Peres was torn in between, he could not possibly fight them, he was part of their crew, he go not go up against them but he could not also loose his wife, his one and only. No! He had to be strong, he remembered the promise he made to her that he would keep her safe, no matter what, even if he has to go up against the world.

“Release her Diana, I would fight them” Peres succumbed, “good choice Peres, now attack” Diana commanded and she carried Gina away.

“Let me go, you asshole” Gina bluffed “I would have hurt you so much but I made a promise to Peres not to touch a single strand of your hair, in as much as you piss me off, my word is my bound, I do not lie” Diana told her as she handcuffed her to the chair