The Prophecy

“Mmh” Jay was a little sore from sitting cross-legged on the hard dungeon ground for the last hour, rubbing his back as he got up.

“Mana is full, time to move.” Jay made his way towards the stone soldiers once more.

In this world, the monsters in a dungeon would respawn when someone enters the dungeon or after a certain amount of time - of course, unique items from slain monsters would only be dropped once.

As Jay made his way back to the soldiers, he had a happy spring in his step as he began to think about his previous trip to this dungeon, and how easy it would be now that he was more familiar with it.

“This is kind of fun… Am I having fun?” Jay was surprised to find himself thinking this.

“I think if I didn’t have the need to become stronger I would probably be doing this anyway… I think I quite enjoy just having these adventures… I suppose I need to do it for power, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun.. Anyway, it’s not like I’d simply enjoy being powerful…”