Clone Resurgence 1

More necrotic bolts landed on the Ora’s body, and they disabled it a few times, yet it was only temporary as the living roots replaced the damaged parts.

Seeing that the necrotic bolts are not very effective, Jay called the attacks off, stopping the helminth from launching bolts; its ethereal skull disappeared and nursed itself back on his shoulder.

“Better to save them for emergency,” Jay thought.

Four skeletons surrounded the Ora in on each side, cutting and slicing away at its flesh, whittling down its health.

After sorting the skeletons into an attack formation, Blue waited at Jay’s side, awaiting his orders.

(Blue, time to scout.) Jay pointed through the long room to the giant, pulsing head in the next.

Jay assumed there would be traps or more Ora hiding among the roots, so Blue was really there to reveal them. Not that it knew.

“I could warn Blue, but I want it to learn for itself.” Jay thought, watching the skeleton march towards the middle of the room.