Pestering Skeletons

When Sweeper shattered, the bones from its lower body spread across the root covered floor… and disappeared.

Jay squinted, watching thoughtfully. “Hmm… if the floor here is collecting bones, maybe it can spawn Ova here, too. But then, why are there no Ova here in the first place? Did no one ever make it through the passageway?” he wondered.

Blue pulled Sweeper’s body from under the white claw-like stone, having to snap away some of its spine as it pulled out its upper body.

Sweeper wrapped its arms wrapped around Blue’s neck, yet even after the attack it still gripped its sword firmly.

Jay smiled a little as he watched Blue wearing Sweeper like a backpack. They both rushed back, getting further away from the giant root tendril, which rose into the air once more.

The white pointed stone, which was embedded into the ground, moved again as the living root floor slowly pulled it back to the tentacle structure.