Whispering Shroud

Handy was unharmed, but all over its body it had fresh pieces of moss and hanging slimy leaves clinging to it.

A green-brown sludge covered its legs up to the knee, showing it had been standing in a murky, muddy water or had found a deep puddle. Tiny jade green leaves clung to its bones as they stuck to the coating of muddy water.

Yet what made Jay curious was Handy’s two-handed sword. Across its surface were black smoky marks. Looking a little more closely, Jay touched it with his finger.

It was like a sticky black power, which he guessed was soot or charcoal.

Another marking of black smoke was on the side of Handy’s head.

“Hmm…” Jay checked its HP and found it was full.

A glance at Handy’s teeth showed some tendons twisted through them, along with some blood.

“Seems like Handy got attacked by something and healed itself back up after eating. But did it eat its enemy or some other snack?”