Three Traps

Jay glanced down at her dark silky hair with its subtle sheen of crimson. It seemed so soft and clean, even in the humid swamp air.

As she suckled on his shoulder, Jay raised his arm - but stopped himself.

Wait, why do I want to pat her hair… what’s wrong with me? He shook his head.

In a few moments she was finished. She licked the wound, and tucked herself into his blanket. She wasn’t impressed with Jay’s antics, and the wound on her leg and the stinking shack only added to her misery.

“I’ll be back soon, Asra. Red, guard her.”

“Mm.” Asra mumbled back.

Jay left and Red closed the door, standing by Asra’s side. Jay could still sense Sweeper somewhere below them, but decided to leave it to its duty.

I’ll drop off the amber spheres later, he shrugged.

Initially, Jay had Red, Blue, and Sweeper guarding Hegatha, but after seeing Hegatha’s compliance while healing Asra he decided to keep Blue with him.