I walk towards him as he looks at me, his eyes wide open. He sits up wrinkling the hospital wear he has on.
“Just lay down you don’t have to get up’’ I say as I notice him wince in pain.
He opens his mouth to speak but I cut him, “This is all my fault, you should have not taken the fall for it”.
I admit to him wiping my tears away with my hand. “This is not your fault” he reasons. He has a cut on his lip and his face is bruised up pretty bad also. They have also wrapped his head in a bandage.
“Was anyone able to make it” he asks a look of hope in his eyes.
I take a deep breath as I want to tell him, let him know that she came in earlier but is not here anymore. But I can’t bring myself to say it.
His face falls and I can see that it kills him but he simply brushes it off.
“How are you holding up?” I ask him in hopes of uplifting him from the reality that no one showed up for him.
“Now that you are here, I feel like I can do anything” he says a smile on his face.