When we got back to the company as expected father came down to meet us .

"Where have you been?!" He barked .

I looked around at the people watching" Relax , father. I just went to meet Mrs. Vivan, head of fashion department and discuss about the clothes for the upcoming programme. It was in my schedule today "

Father looked angry "Secretary Bessy !"

"Yes sir "

"Get my phone right now and put Mrs Vivan on the phone "

"Yes sir"

Father pointed at me "If I find out you are lying , you will regret this "

Bessy came back with Dad's phone.

"Call her"

"Yes sir "

The phone beeped." Hello ?"

"Yes, Mrs Vivan . How are you doing today ?"

"Mr Ken , it's such a pleasure to hear from you . To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"I just wanted to confirm something. My son Nate ,did he come visit you today?"

"Your son ? Of course . He came to discuss about the clothing brand and see if they were ready "

Father's eyes widened " I see"

"Mr Ken, you spoke so highly of your son . Don't tell me you actually thought he forgot or something"

Ken laughed"Of course not . Well , I best free you now. Have a nice day "

The line went beep .

"If you were going to go anyways, why didn't you atleast go with your bodyguard?"

I walked away .

"I'm talking to you !"

"And I don't have time to talk. I have a company to run . Marketing team A and B to the meeting room now ".

"Yes sire"

We got to the meeting room."What's the daily report ?"

"Umm...The stocks dropped from last week. Some customers complained that the lipstick product taste weird and left bad reviews"

"Who was in charge of making the lipsticks?"

"Marketing team B"

I nodded my head. " So in other words team B is made up of incompetent people. Okay . Let's swap it up then , team A from now it's your job to make the products. Team B you check the reviews . Is that taken ? "

"Yes sir"

I looked at Nathan and smiled as I remembered how he'd helped me .

"Help me " I had said.

"What ? Me ? How ? "

"To be honest...I don't know anything about business "

"But you went abroad and studied business for a long time sir "

"Hey, just help me okay? I really need to prove to father that I can do this "

"Okay , then first we better call Mrs Vivan of the fashion department "

"Her ? Why ? "

"You had an appointment scheduled today by 2:30 sir . Don't tell me you actually forgot"

I had forgotten. Alot of things happened in just this one day.

"I'm doomed "

"No , you are not. We can still fix it "


"Like this ". I watched as Nathan called her."Mrs Vivan?"

"Yes ? Who am I speaking with?"

"Nathaniel, Mr Nate's boss "

"Ah "

"Could the appointment be pushed forward ? Mr Nate is unable to make it at this time "

"Hey , look here. I'm just as busy as the chairman . If he can't make it he should forget about it"

"Actually , the chairman was on his way to see you and decided to pick some flowers for you and was nearly hit by a car. The shock made him faint and he is in the hospital now. We are not postponing to another day just pushing the time a little more forward"

"Really? Oh , my. I hope he is alright. Yes , we can do that . I'm free by 6"

"Oh and if Mr Ken calls and ask can you please tell him that you two already met. We don't want to get him worried"

"Of course , of course"

"Thank you , have a nice day"

"You too "

The line went beep.

I looked at Nathan in surprise and clapped for him "That was smooth"

"Wasn't it ?"

"Okay so what next?"

"Now ...we go back to the company . When we get there , you ask for daily reports and look at what has fallen and what needs improvement"

"Wow , you are really heaven sent . I knew it. Hey , just because I asked you for help doesn't mean we are close though , okay ? "

"Why? There's nothing wrong in a friendship between a man and a man"

Nathan looked back at me and smiled.

There was nothing wrong in a friendship between a man and a man but that is if it was actually between a man and a man .



When I got home after work , I called out for mom. I found her on the floor sleeping.

"Mom , wake up. I'm home "

Mom woke up "Huh? Nathan is that you ?"

"Yes I bought you your favorite side dish " I said handing her the bag in my hand

Mom smiled "Thank you"



"Today...I taught someone busniess "

"What do you mean?"

"I mean today I taught someone about business and it was fun. For the first time, I was glad I had actually taken your advice and read it . It felt really nice "

"Really ?"


"Nathan ... tomorrow are you going to work ?"

Tomorrow, why ? Why had mom asked? Then I suddenly remembered , it was Dad's wake tomorrow "Of course not. "

"Really ?You didn't forget ?"

"Of course not , Mom. Let's eat now and wake up early for tomorrow "

Even if Dad used to beat up Mom ,after he passed Mom always remembered his wake. She never once forgot. I guess she still loves him that much .

I picked up my phone to call Mr Nate and inform him that I won't be at work tomorrow but it was dead.

Whatever,he might not even recognize my absence .




That scumbag!

I thought we had gotten close yesterday. To an extent . Not showing up at work at all is one thing but then not calling is another.

"Bessy!" I called for her .


"Did Nathan really not call you to tell you that he won't be at work ?"


"Then what is it ?!"

"Can I ask sir, why you are bothered by Mr Nathan's absence? You aren't one to be taken by such trivial things "

I scoffed" Bothered, my foot. I'm just worried because-" because now that he is gone ,I'm on my own to run the company.


"Just go Bessy, I don't even know what you are trying to point out here"


Bessy bowed and left. I looked at my phone and screamed. Seriously not even one phone call?

"Mr Nate "

"Yes, what!!"

"We are having a meeting now "

"Yes, I'll be there In a sec"

Mr.An walked in.

I sighed " please...not today "

"What did I-"

I walked away and heard him mutter "That rude brat"

When I got to the meeting room , I sat on my chair and asked "Okay so what's the daily report ?"

Fiona spoke up " Uh..Mr Nate , sorry to say this but Mr Nathan isn't here".

That's it .

My anger suddenly came loose as I couldn't keep it in anymore. Why was I angry? I don't know either . Because Nathan didn't show up for work and didn't call ? I don't know .

I just was.



"You are fired"
