|| Chapter 9: Steal like Robin Hood ||

"Humans are so hard to please! If only that boy knows what I'm doing is for him!" When Ciel left the cafe, Fil didn't follow the boy because he knew he would be rejected if he pushed it. So now, he was left, together with his 'employees' inside the shop.

Sheng, a male 'employee' and the one who looks the oldest among the five people wearing the cafe's uniform, approached the boy who was currently wailing by himself. The boy spoke like a restless mother whose worries didn't reach her child just now, but later acted like a spoiled boy having a tantrum. Though they are the only ones inside the cafe, and the fairy didn't disturbed the working people, the old looking waiter got worried for his master so he approached Fil.

"Young master, here is another lemon tea, please drink first." Sheng offered to Fil.

"Young master, your meeting with that boy.. ..It seemed very important but ended in a bad way.. Can I help you with something?"

Fil looked at Sheng. The old man moved like a proper butler- very polite and refined- unlike how Fil wailed -like a spoiled real young master- now he feels bad, the old man is probably worried. Though all the workers are currently working as 'staff ' in his newly built cafe, they were originally like his loyal attendees and assistants. Especially Sheng, the fairy treated the old looking man as his father, but because of his present look, he now has the appearance close to a grandpa.

Fairies have no parents. Even when his ancestors were born, they were just there as a spirit whose sole purpose is to teach and guide the four new born children dictated by God. They were not even living creatures, and were just too lucky- all of them- to have good masters. They were given names and eventually gifted free wills. Up till now, fairies have never experienced the family or friendship bond that other races have. It's not like they were envious, but seeing other people enjoying what they don't have, it eventually led them to want it too.

In the past, to the present, from his ancestors to his generation, aside from the vague memories and low magic that they inherited from old fairies, having an almost non existent life, and punishment were the only things passed like a patrimony to them. So Fil created his own dolls, using the weak spirits found in nature and little magic he can make in his body. With how old he is now, he managed to make five. The old one is called Sheng. Fil created Sheng when he was in C country, doing some task. Then Joharra and Salbi were from S country, the former is second oldest then the latter is the third. Sia, was created later on and the fourth oldest while Xiu is the youngest of the five. The last two are from two different countries but were made on the same year. Although Fil is older than them, the five tend to pamper the small master a lot. Though it may look like they are only serving their benefactor, it's not false to say their master is very adorable looking, it's hard not to spoil him.

Serving another lemon tea to tho the cup of his master, Sheng continued comforting Fil like a grandpa while the other four looks worried at the back of the counter. Fil didn't answer his question, so Sheng challenged himself to think fast to make the boy happy but Fil beat him to it and said "Old Sheng!! What do I do... he said I need to grant his wish, but except making his parents zombie, I don't know and have any ways anymore!! And I can't do big magic! I can't even fly anymore. I wasted some of my magic for teleporting..tch! why is my past self so fucking lazy!!" Fil indulged himself as he complained to the old man. The cafe is now fully closed, so no one can hear or see them anymore, thanks to the quick thinking and movement of the 'employees'.

"Young master, you do know that would happen, so isn't it better to just... quit here?"

"Quit!?? Old Sheng, you know, I can't do that! I've been trying to help him for almost my whole life, but it either ended him dying early and not meeting his partner or meeting the one who was not chosen! He may forget everything, but we are the bystanders of his every life, watching him meeting his cruel end, like supervising what happened in people's past lives. Not to mention the memories of my ancestors that I learned from my dreams...If we failed this time, then... he would have a sad and cruel ending again... if only he knows.." Fil replied very aggrieved and flustered but then it was not Old Sheng's fault so he eventually lowered his voice until it became a murmur as he swam deep to his sorrow.

"But the young lad 'can't' know, young master. You need to work extra hard to give him a happy ending this time, we all know, but that's not what I meant by quitting..." Old Sheng replied to his master when the other calmed down. He looked at his left side to glance at the four who were almost hugging each other. They told Old Sheng to report something to their master.

Fil asked them- Joharra and Xiu to be exact- to look into something. They were so happy to have Fil ask help from them so they were very proud. The job is not difficult but they learned something recently that may badly affect Fil's painstakingly-made plan for his task. They couldn't bear to see their master get sad or be disappointed when they reported it, so they asked Old Sheng. The man understood the pair's worry but since it's their job they should be more responsible next time in relying on a report to their young master. The young master may forgive them but not Old Sheng, especially when they still have the guts spying behind the wall made of bar-revealing only their heads as they hid their body, when they can't finish their own jobs

Sheng took a deep breath and continued speaking, conveying his disappointment in the matter, making Fil nervous.

"Young master, let me report to you Joharra and Xiu's findings on the task you assigned to them recently." When Fil nodded as his permission, Sheng started reporting. "The Master Yin Jiu, a half Chinese businessman who currently lives in the same city as Master Ciel. He is a little older than Master Ciel and a very talented Alpha and very successful in his business. As you said, Joharra and Xiu found out that the two masters doesn't have mark in this life and very compatible to each other. But we have two problems at the moment aside from what you already know about the master Ciel. It's about Master Yin Jiu..." Fil was so happy to hear the report but Old Sheng stopped for a moment to take a deep breath so Fil started to become nervous again especially when the old man said they have two problems about Yin Jiu.

"Continue, Old Sheng."

"The first problem is that Master Yin jiu has already been married to another alpha woman for 6 years. The wife is a popular celebrity and her benefactor is Yin Jiu.."

"Wife...Are they having a very harmonious life?..." Fil asked making the Old Sheng confused at first but when he remembered the second problem, he answered his master."..No, sir"

"Then there is no problem in that...Sooner or later they will break up. And then, we can just make sure Ciel and the alpha can meet and-" when Old Sheng heard the master's statement, he almost swerved from the original matter as he wanted to contradict the master. It's not right to wish for another couple's break-up. So he interrupted the master in his talking- which Old Sheng usually does if their master is not thinking right- to tell the other half of the report.

"They would not need to break-up, young master..." Fil almost jumped out of joy but stopped himself as he heard the later part. "Because.. Master Yin Jiu died last Friday afternoon. Joharra and Xiu said, the master died because of a car accident, and was declared dead when he arrived at the hospital." Old Sheng finished the report with that but didn't leave yet because of his master's reaction.

The fairy's soul almost left his body when he learned what happened. It's as if the world is not letting him do his job nor wanting to make the omega happy!? He doesn't have the ability to convince Ciel nor grant his wish, and now he can't let the two compatible people meet in this life anymore. Why is life so cruel and sad...

Old Sheng deduced what his master was thinking but he just bit the bullet and said "This is not the last time, young master. We can just try again in master Ciel's... next life.."

Fil immediately transformed and glared at the old man, as if the latter said something to hurt his weak point. "Sheng. You do know that we don't know when that next life will happen. Last time, we waited for nine decades for Ciel and this is the result we got. If we can't succeed in this life then we will never have a chance in the next life!" Fil said with a high voice, but Old Sheng didn't get scared and continued to explain his opinion.

"Young master, we will get the chance next time. We have plenty of time to wait, and then-" Fil became furious and glared with frustration to Old Sheng.

"We will have no next time! I am almost turning into a mortal, Sheng! Your growing body is proof of that! What time do we have to wait!?" Old Sheng became quiet and didn't talk anymore instead soothed Fil. He put a cold wet towel in the bowl and offered another drink. Fil accepted it but was also quiet.

There was a break from talking when Xiu asked his companions what their master meant. Which Salbi replied, "The predecessor fairy's magic is almost gone, and it will soon lose its influence on the present young masters. And we, which a fairy made, will sooner meet our end too with them... I think that's what worries young master" The cafe contains only six people at the present, so if the four can hear what the other two talking from a far the counter, then obviously the other two can hear what the rest is talking about, especially when they are very quiet. Fil heard everything and virtually scold himself, now the other four knows, they will be scared of what will happen next and Fil doesn't want to put pressure on them because the five people present at his side are his only family.

"So we have no time... if only we more than your suggestion won't be hard to adapt, Old-"

The old butler listened to his master and became relieved when his master calmed down, and calling him "Old Sheng" again is proof of that. But when Fil's statement didn't finish and suddenly jumped out from his chair, the old butler's organs almost jumped too.

"Young master, what is wrong? Are you hurt?" The other four were surprised too so they almost ran to the female looking fairy.

"Time!! If only we have time, then we can solve the problems!" Fil burst to the other four, his eyes looking excited and proud again. If it's any other day, the five people wearing uniforms will be happy to see the young master looking happy, despite his surprising change of moods but it's different this time. They exchanged a look at each other's eyes full of questions. Only Old Sheng looks calm but deep inside his mind is making a thousand questions and solutions to what his master meant. He almost let out a white smoke in his head like some overused machines. He is like an old man, it's not good to surprise and make them think too much, so Fil added an explanation.

"If we have time then we can solve Ciel's parents' matter and then help him meet the Alpha! Adding more time for us by making our life long is obviously impossible and I have no idea how to make that happen but... what If we go back in the past, then won't it give us at least more time and the dead people in the present will be alive again!!" Fil said looking so proud at himself as if he thought something only a genius can think of. But as they said, genius people tend to do crazier things.

In most cases, that would be very impossible but not to fairies who can create miracles even in legends. They were even able to alter genes or make their souls reincarnate without undergoing the right process. But miracles and magic can only happen in the past and will most likely never appear again.

"Young master, let's say it's possible. But how will that happen? Won't that use more magic and that magic is what we don't have." Joharra butted in the conversation so Fil looked at her and replied.

"Then we just need the magic. We already have the plan so that's what is left. "

"Where can we find it?" Joharra excitedly said, making Fil think he said something so witty.

"Silly girl. You don't find magic, we already have it deep inside and we just need to make it happen. The thing we need to find is enough energy to boost it!"

"I see, then where can we get the energy? Humans' way of energizing would be different, so what if from nature like us? Volcanoes? Ocean? Joharra asked again, but this time Fil didn't reply immediately. The energy the fairies need to create magic is different from the energy that can be found almost everywhere. The energy they need either came from their original masters or from their own body that God gifted to them. So other energy won't work, they don't have the masters anymore, and God obviously won't give them because it's part of the punishment. The only way they can have is the very very little tiny energy from their spirit core or... from the artifact the fairies used to store some..

Fil remembered from the vague memories -he inherited, of how their ancestors cast magic on a stone then to themselves. The stone became a living stone, and it's very important to the fairies because they put almost every energy they had and left only a little in their body. Its purpose is to store energy that the fairies can use in a very difficult situation; every generation did the same thing on the ancestral stone. Fil explained all of this to the five people present. If it's other people, Fil won't give an explanation but the five are not other people so it's fine.

"The said living stone will be in Tyche's possession now. Every generation, it's also up to the fairies how they will keep the stone safe. And this time we take turns on hiding it like treasure. My turn will be in another twenty decades, and we can't wait for that any longer because obviously we will not be fairies that time anymore." Though the other five people don't get what their master means they all note everything he said in their mind so when Fil needs help they will always be ready.

"Then we will need to ask for young master Tyche's permission to get it?" Si innocently asked their master, butting in the conversation too.

"Tyche obviously won't give it to us. We can't ask for other fairy's help either because I'm sure they will oppose me and hide the stone out of my reach" Fil replied with a crease found in his beautiful face. "And don't call the other fairies 'young master'" the five living dolls know what the master meant so even the childish Xiu smiled and thought their master looked cute being jealous and acting thorny.

When Fil noticed the five people' s warm smiles his face and white neck turned a little pinkish before he continued speaking. "If we can't have it in the good path then go the other way" Fil's guise full of confidence began to shine bright again but Old Sheng shattered it with no mercy.

"Young master shouldn't teach the youngsters to steal. It is not a good plan. And we don't know if using the living stone will make your plan possible. It's dangerous to try ,young master, we don't know the consequences if you fail."

"What failed? Old Sheng, you should trust me more. I am a descendant of Sofia Fairy, a fairy of miracles. It is not impossible when I use my ancestral magic, hmp!"

"Yes, that's why all the fairies received the punishment ; the sofia fairly used his powerful magic to grant a man's wish and now all the fairies are still paying for that. I trust the young master more than any man knows, but to intervene in the wheel of time is not a choice. I'm afraid you will get yourself into a mess and get hurt unnecessarily" Old Sheng rebuked his master. He isn't afraid to do this because it's for the master's good anyway and the master himself told him before to scold him if necessary especially when he is going to do something crazy. Fil of course, knew why Old Sheng reacted this way, and he isn't sure himself but when he remembered watching the past lives before the Neciel Survy now, his heart almost broke to pieces.

After the meeting, the dreams the fairy had this past few nights became more clear. His dreams are mostly about the memories of the old Sofia Fairies, it's not in order and some are not clear. Not every dream is good, some are like a nightmare. Last night, he also had a dream, it's only a recall of memories but since Fil wasn't familiar with it, it's not clear yet until he met Ciel; the dream slowly told him the memories of his ancestors. Ciel is the reincarnation of the young commoner who asked for Sofia's blessing. He has a solid connection to fairies, maybe that's why he was able to read the book. But he wasn't so sure yet to conclude if it's true or not.

The Sofia fairy granted the wish of the boy and that's where the alteration of human genes and the punishment of fairies started. The other fairies blamed Sofia for being a fool but she didn't regret what she did and accepted the criticism and blame without saying anything to save herself. She was unfaltering, not even a slightest wave could move her. When she got the chance to leave the fairies' shelter , she visited the young man she met at the altar. But what she saw finally broke her heart and determination. The young man suffered very much. He got pregnant but everyone treated him like a freak with a curse and abnormality. At that time, not everyone knew the changes yet, so they abused the man. Some wanted to investigate the matter, some got scared while some showered him with cruelty. The man he loved left him and his child. His own family abandoned him because of the fear of being dragged with him.

People left the man's side and sooner the life he is carrying fell too. It's the first time a man can get pregnant, so even the young boy doesn't know what to do to help his own baby. Without anyone at his side, the young man died in his pool of blood. That's when the Sofia fairy understood the heaviness of what she did. She doesn't have the magic to help the boy anymore so she faced the problem and waited until the boy's reincarnation. But in the second life, the boy still had no mates and was betrayed by his own female lover. On the third life, he died without meeting the one. On the fourth, he let go of his fated one. On the fifth, sixth, seventh and up to now, the twelfth reincarnation will have the same fate as the past lives of the boy. If he can't help the boy now then his nightmare will come true.

"I am having bad dreams, Old man... no, it's probably more accurate to say I'm regaining some of the vague memories of my Sofia ancestors. I don't know what triggered it and though it hurts so much when I dream, I'm thankful to know some of it. The theories I have about Ciel, either became more clear or corrected.. now I know some of the truth, I should do something! I can't afford to let that man walk on the same fate. If someone will punish me again for what I will do, then I promise to protect Ciel's new fate and not get the other fairies affected." Fil talked slowly but full of resolve. "Sheng, Joharra, Salbi, Si, Xiu, I apologize in advance for acting so selfish but please help me."

Fil bowed to the five people present but for these five, how can they let their master bow for so long, and desert him.

Sheng held his master's hand and said " The young master shouldn't bow to us. If you need our help then we will give it wholeheartedly, isn't that our purpose for living?" The other four agreed and nodded to the fairy.

"Then you are agreeing with me?" The group nodded as their answer.

"Even if some of you will go to commit crime?" The group went quiet to think for a moment. Fil observed the five people and they all looked so adorable, but he shouldn't make more trouble so he put a stop on the silence with a laugh.

"We need to be Robin Hood, and as long as we are very swift then it wouldn't make trouble" Fil said after laughing. Though he thought he shouldn't make trouble, he still teased the group. The five people have the confused face and when Xiu can't think anymore he just asked "What is a Robin Hood?" Which Joharra replied "It's not what, it's who. Robin Hood is a fictional character, and also a thief."

Fil joined the explanation "That's right. He is a thief, but he only stole from the rich then gave it to the poor. What we are going to do is similar to his. We will steal to help Ciel!"

Which Old Sheng and Salbi contradicted.

"Young master, stealing is still bad no matter what reason. And.. won't most of its results help you instead of master Ciel?" Sheng said but Salbi said "Young master, there is actually another story about Robin Hood. Though he did steal from the rich, most of it went into his own pocket."

The master went quiet and just looked at the two who contradicted him. So to punish him, "Fine, since Old Sheng is so righteous and Salbi doesn't like Robin Hood then the two of you stay here. Xiu should stay here too since you are too young. Let older siblings do the job. Joharra, Si, both of you will go with me, is that fine?" The statement made the two girls happy but its didn't favor the other company. They tried to explain themselves but Fil didn't want to listen and just said "Can't you understand? It's a girls' party, hmph!"

The trio was left alone, when Fil departed from the cafe using the car, but at the same time the baby boy Ciel, who's the subject of the talk a while ago didn't stop sneezing when he arrived home. He didn't put much thought into it nor recalled the common proverb, instead he went to take a towel and stuff himself. He thought he just got it from running too much a while ago. The ten minutes walk was almost halved. He thought the fairy would follow him to talk more so he ran to his home and only became relieved when he arrived at home with no one following him.

He remembered the meeting at the cafe, and almost slapped himself for what he did. Now he looks arrogant and selfish, what if the fairy became mad and instead of helping his wish, the fairy will just force him to meet the unknown mate of his. He is so anxious that even the living room became colder.

Ciel extended his arms to get the laptop that's currently charging. He opened his social media there and opened his sister's online shop. The page is designed well, and got many followers. Ciel felt good after looking and knew his sister's new designed clothes, sell well. He was about to close the tab when a news article posted yesterday caught his attention. It's about the businessman who died again and his celebrity wife. In the news, there is a picture of his beautiful wife who looked so sad but remained in her elegant posture.

He read the whole article but it was so malicious. They said the wife has been waiting for her husband's death so she can be with her real lover. According to the article, the wife is a famous celebrity, loved by cameras and has numerous fans and is actually a green tea bitch. But looking at the comments, the article became famous not to defame the celebrity but to bring justice for her. She lost her husband by accident yet some people used it to slander her. It's full of these comments below the article posted. Almost none sided with the writer, but Ciel didn't think so. The writer knows the celebrity has many supporters and if he or she wrote against her just to slander, it may come back to them. So if the writer bravely posts it must either be an idiot who doesn't think of consequences or saying the truth and have evidence; just waiting for the right time to release it to the masses. But either way, it's not Ciel's problem, so he closed the tab then focused on his own misery. Just how can he make that fairy agree to him.