Who said the Iron Body can’t move!

"Does the peas fruit add Iron Body…"

Xiaming, as a party, naturally reacted quickly.

At this time, he had a high opinion of Berry Goode, the original Soy Sauce Party.

Originally, his impression was that Berry Goode would only use the peas abilities to dodge attacks and make fun.

But now it seems that this guy is not a complete idiot.

Doudou fruit ability, coupled with the effect of Iron Body, is indeed a good combination.

On the one hand, it can increase the attack power of his beanie body balls, and on the other hand, it also avoids the disadvantage of being unable to move in the Iron Body state, which is simply killing two birds with one stone.

In this way, he wants to defeat Berry Goode, it is really a bit tricky.

Just thinking of this, Xiaming's expression hasn't changed much. The smile on the corners of his mouth has not disappeared, but has gradually expanded.

At this time, Berry Goode naturally thought that he had a chance to win, and while controlling Tie Doudou to continue to attack, he continued to laugh.

"Senior Xiaming, how is it?"

"Hahaha, don't you want to teach me?"

"Why don't you teach it now?"

Along with the laughter, it was the iron peas from all directions, jumping and crashing around Xiaming.

Xiaming keeps retreating, but it has a tendency to fail.

Seeing this, everyone's expressions suddenly changed again.

In the monitoring room.

Zephyr and other instructors sighed slightly.

Although Xiaming should have been rewarded by nature and hard work, it still can't smooth the talent gap with Berry Goode!

With the ability of peas, even if Xiaming's Iron Body is stronger than Berry Goode's Iron Body, it seems that it is hard to escape defeat.

As for the recruits.

Smoker and Drake, as well as Hina, shook their heads, losing their original interest.

Similar to Xiun, he laughed mockingly again.

"Haha, look at Xiaming's embarrassed look!"

"Sure enough, the talent is so bad, no matter how hard he tries, it is useless, and in the end he will be defeated by Berry Goode!"

"It's so pitiful, because he even trained into Iron Body, if he loses this time, it will be a big blow to him!"

At this time, it seemed to have heard those ridicules, Xiaming in the field suddenly turned red, and he actually stood firm and slammed his fist at the peas!!

Upon seeing this, Xiun and others burst into laughter again.

"Is this panic?"

"Stupid, he should also know that those peas balls have an Iron Body effect, right? He even hit them with his fists?"

"Is it funny to hit a rock with a pebble?"

"I guess I'm not reconciled, let's make the last fight?"

"The problem is that it will definitely not work, but it will make himself more injured. Doesn't he even understand this? It's really sad!"

Xiun and others shook their heads mockingly.

Smoker, Drake, and Hina did not speak, and apparently agreed with this statement.

At this moment, even Zephyr and other instructors in the monitoring room sighed again.

If Xiaming can wisely admit defeat, they may also take a high look at Xiaming.

But now this kind of meaningless desperation makes them a little disappointed.

It's just a battle with Marine's companions, which is harmless, but what if it is a battle with pirates?

Going desperately knowing that it is lost, this is foolishness, it is tantamount to death!

At this time, after seeing Xiaming's actions, Berry Goode naturally laughed again.

"Hahaha, it's useless, Xiaming, don't you understand, you are not my opponent!"

"But if you want to lose faster, then I will fulfill you!"

As soon as the voice fell, a cold light flashed in Berry Goode's eyes. Under his control, the large number of bean balls around him suddenly condensed, and then rushed toward Xiaming like a gust of wind and rain!

Isn't Xiaming going to hit these iron peas, hehe, then send them all to him!

In this way, a large number of peas balls began to gather in front of Xiaming, and then rushed in overwhelmingly.

In the face of such a scene, the smile that Xiaming's mouth kept choking on became bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a big laugh.

"Good job!!!"

He raised two fists, and then madly waved alternately in the air in front of him!

One punch, two punches, four punches, eight punches…

In a blink of an eye, a round of fist shadows formed, and a gust of fist wind greeted Doudou Ball.

It's just that although Xiaming's attack method is huge, no one is optimistic about him.

After all, no matter how powerful Xiaming's attack is, it can't escape the fact that the fist is pouring flesh and blood, and it collides with those peas balls with Iron Body effects, and the end of the game can be imagined.

However, just when everyone was thinking like this, something unexpected happened!

I saw that the shadow of the boxing formed by Xiaming collided with the peas ball, and there was a roar like a metal collision!

boom! boom! boom!

Everyone was stunned as soon as the voice came out.

Ordinary fists hit the steel body, it is impossible to make such a sound!

There is no doubt that Berry Goode's peas balls definitely have an Iron Body effect. What about Xiaming's fists?

Could it be that Xiaming's fist at this time also has the Iron Body effect?

But how is this possible!

At this moment, everyone was surprised.

At Xiaming at this time, the smile on the corners of his mouth bloomed completely, and the eyes were shining brightly.

Who said that the body cannot move in the iron body state?