
The next morning they dragged each other to work. Both of them looked like pandas with big underage bags. Hirahi and Shimizu got the papers and started heading to the conference room. But Shimizu's excitement soon ended once he noticed someone familiar next to the interview room. Hirahi thought it was just exhaustion so he pulled Shimizu into the room, but his expression didn't change. Hirahi began to worry then he shook Shimizu.

"Hey! Are you alright?" Shimizu finally snapped back. His eyes teared up and he ran out of the interview room to an empty office next door.

"What happened?" wondered Hirahi. He was panting and his heart wouldn't calm down, he was really stressed because of how Shimizu was behaving. This isn't like him, something's wrong…

Shimizu was crouching in the corner shaking.

"Shimizu? What's happening?" Hirahi approached him. He tried to pat his shoulder to get Shimizu's attention, but in return Shimizu slapped his hand off as soon as he touched his shoulder. Hirahi jolted. Shimizu recognized his lover and started crying.

"I'm sorry, so sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Please, sorry." he kept on apologizing until Hirahi kissed him, to occupy his mind with something else. It was a new feeling that Shimizu experienced for the first time. He calmed down and relaxed in Hirahis' arms.

"Hirahi?" Shimizu confirmed before falling asleep right then and there.

Hirahi layed Shimizu in his office and covered him with his jacket. Then he returned to the conference room. Everyone was already sitting down. Hirahi ignored everyone and sat down. He looked around the room to find the guy Shimizu was scared of. And to his surprise the guy was sitting right in front of him. He pulled out his file.

"Shimizu Aoi?"

The man stood up. "Here."

A smile appeared on Hirahi's lips. So you're his dad.

"Alright, you will be working as my assistant." Hirahi looked at the other transfers. "You will get your roles from my personal secretary, Shimizu Suzuki." He dismissed everyone, lookin for a reaction in Aoi's face. He looked pleased. This is just what I imagined, it will make my plan much easier.

After dismissing everyone Hirahi came back to check up on Shimizu, he was still sleeping. Hirahi laid next to him, cuddling closely and quietly reading his documents.

Shimizu had a nightmare and abruptly woke up. He was still in Hirahi's arms. Takase looked at him concerned.

"How are you feeling?" Shimizu didn't want to answer, he just hugged Hirahi and gathered his thoughts.

"That was your dad right?"

Shimizu nodded. Hirahi knew he didn't want to talk about it but he prioritized acknowledging the issue rather than ignoring it.

"Do you want me to fire him?" After that question Shimizu pondered for a moment. He couldn't deny or accept the offer.

"He has a family to take care of…"

"That's not what I asked you, Shimizu. I couldn't care less about his other family, you're my priority." Hirahi angrily pouted, seeing Shimizu's distressed state.

"I just don't want to see him ever again, I want him to be out of my life for good."

Hirahi nodded. "The work hours are over. Want to go home for the day? I could have had a good dinner, because I haven't eaten anything yet." Hirahi laughed, standing up from the sofa. Shimizu saw the man walking away so he grabbed him by the shirt, stopping Hirahi in his tracks. He pulled Hirahi closer and hugged him again, pressing himself on Hirahi's broad back.

Shimizu took his mind off things concerning his dad while making dinner which Hirahi kindly insisted upon. While Shimizu was cutting up the cucumbers, Hirahi came up behind him placing both of his hands on the table beehind Shimizu trapping him in his embrace. Shimizu turned around and locked his eyes to Hirahi's. He felt the warm intention of his lover. Hirahi cupped Shimizu's head into his hands and kissed Shimizu's forehead.

"I'll go take a shower, when will the food be ready?"

Shimizu stood there and in a daze answered. "30 minutes.".

He touched the spot Hirahi kissed and relaxed. I can do this. I'm no longer alone. He smiled and continued cooking.

When Shimizu woke up the next day Hirahi had already gone to work and transferred Aoi to a well known mersless manager in another department. That guy will take care of this piece of shit. Hirahi thought and went to greet Shimizu in his office. While he was waiting he heard yelling right outside the door. He opened it and found Aoi shouting at Suzuki. Hirahi quickly got in between them and, protecting Suzuki, asked.

"Is there an issue here?" Not getting a response from Aoi. Hirahi asks Suzuki.

"What happened?"

Suzuki got behind Hirahi and with a quivering voice spoke.

"He won't stop… money…" Hirahi immediately understood and looked back at Aoi.

"Were you just harassing my employee?"

Aoi shook his head. and slowly approached Shimizu.

"Look, I just want to talk."

"You only need money from me… you don't want to talk." Shimizu defended himself.

"Then just give me the money, that's all I'm asking from you." Aoi sighed. "I found you an apartment to live in when you had nowhere to go. I'm your father."

As soon as Aoi mentioned the word father Hirahi laughed while Suzuki became angry.

"You… My father? So what while you've been in debt you picked up comedy too? You may be my father by blood but I'd never call you that myself."

Aoi furrowed his brows. He intimidatingly tried to approach Suzuki but Hirahi got in his way. Aoi looked up at Hirahi's angry face and backed away, continuing to let out his frustrations on Suzuki. Hirahi just stood there, waiting for Suzuki to ask him for help or at least indicate that he wanted it. Come on, just grab my arm or ask for help directly, I know you're scared, you know you can trust me… Hirahi screamed in his mind, hoping for something from Suzuki, some indication that Hirahi can interfere, but he didn't get any. Hirahi couldn't bear to watch Suzuki suffer anymore so he just got in between them again.

"Just stop. You're giving me a headache, and it seems to me you're blackmailing my secretary to pay you? For nothing might I add. Work hard." Hirahi said to Aoi, grabbed Suzuki and went into his office.

"Here you go finish these papers and after work we will go out." Hirahi knew letting Suzuki relax a bit and calm down was the best option, the most efficient way to do it was through giving him work. So throughout the day Hirahi didn't mention anything to Shimizu hoping he wasn't feeling too down for their second date.

Aoi got out of work earlier than he should have and stood near Hirahi's office to follow Shimizu home. He intended to use everything he could to get money from his son. Aoi was texting his wife that he will be home late when the office door opened and Hirahi got out with Shimizu.

Well this makes it harder for me, but he won't go home with Suzuki so i'll just have to wait a bit longer. Thought Aoi with a sinister smile on his face. He followed them to the underground parking lot. He was exhausted from going down 8 flights of stairs since Hirahi and Shimizu rode the elevator and he couldn't risk losing Suzuki. So Aoi hid and took out his phone to check the time, and with the corner of his eye saw Hirahi and Suzuki kissing, he quickly opened the camera and took a picture.

Hah I won't need Suzuki's money, I can just threaten Hirahi for it. Haha he's in deep trouble if anyone finds out he's dating a minor. Aoi smiled even wider and went home, hoping for an earlier tomorrow.

"Are you feeling better, Shimizu?" Asked Hirahi, pushing him away and looking around.

"There's no one around, I already checked. And yes thank you, Hirahi. I feel much better.." Said Shimizu blushing. "We don't have to go on any dates, I'd rather just go home and relax."

They sat inside the car.

"Now it really feels like we're dating. I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable, Hirahi…" Shimizu pouted, looking at Hirahi to deny those claims.

And that's exactly what Hirahi did.

"You didn't, I'm often barely controlling myself when I'm with you." He said, and took SHimizu's hand clasping their fingers. "Call me Takase when we're alone."

Shimizu blushed.

"Takase~..." Just hearing his name said by his lover, Hirahi has to put all his might to control himself, he couldn't, not until Shimizu reaches 18. Then Shimizu continued. "I'll call you that only if it goes both ways. Call me Suzuki…" he muttered shyly, looking away from Hirahi. The man just smiled and tightened his grip on Suzuki's hand. Then both of them left.