Ritsu is back?

"Yes, do you need some help?"

"I'm trying to find Hirahi Takase, I've heard he works here."

"I'm sorry he doesn't give any interviews and isn't at the office at the moment since it's Saturday. You'll need to book an appointment for another day."

"No, no. I'm not here for an interview. I found his wallet and would like to give it back." The man defends himself.

"Alright, you can leave it with me. I'm his secretary." Shimizu says with a smile.

The man looks skeptical, he clearly doesn't trust what Shimizu says.

"I'm sorry I would like to give it back to him directly. I've had it for a while already and just couldn't find the time to give it back, today is the only day I'm free. Please, can you show me where he is?" The man begged Shimizu.

Suzuki couldn't resist and opened the door for the man. He smiled brightly and bowed down to thank for his kind gesture.

They went into the elevator and while they were riding in awkward silence Suzuki observed the man next to him. At first he was flustered by his appearance. He had never seen such a beautiful man. He had cool gray tone thin almond shaped eyes with long lashes which made them appear more feminine. He had a white messy mullet, Shimizu even wondered if his hair was colored or natural, because of how silky and well kept it looked. When the man didn't talk he emitted a very sexy aura but his voice made him appear more cute, rather than sexy. Suzuki questioned if the sexy aura was caused by his natural reddish lips or maybe a bunch of earrings and rings he wore. He lost his train of thought when he heard the elevator bell ring. They have arrived. He gestured to the man to follow him and they continued to walk to Hirahi's office. Out of nowhere Shimizu noticed two men in suits standing, guarding the door. Once they saw them, one of the men pointed at Shimizu's companion and yelled.

"Get him! He's the one, boss has been looking for. I'll go call him." The man who yelled it out ran into the office while the other one grabbed and restrained the beautiful man. He was panicking, trying to cooperate with them.

"What are you doing, stop, let him go!" Shimizu yelled at the man holding down the petrified guy. Shimizu was frantically looking around trying to figure a way to help him, but nothing came to his mind and he just sat down next to him, until Mark came out of the office.

"It's really you! How dare you come here?" Mark was enraged at the poor fellow, and only then it hit Shimizu who that man was.

Hirahi bust out of his office after Mark.

"Mark, what's the matt…" He looked over at the man, and not even a second passed when he started running in his direction.

"Ritsu!" He shouted, trying to push off the guard who held his ex down. "Mark, what's the meaning of this! Tell him to let go."

Mark clearly unwillingly gestured to the man to let go. Once he did, Takase grabbed Ritsu into a tight hug. Ritsu began to cry, clenching onto Hirahi's suit.

"I missed you so much, Taka."

He just held Ritsu in his arms without saying a word.

"Can you help me? I want to talk to you about something… and I need a place to stay."

Both Suzuki and Mark look at each other exchanging a are-you-serious face when Hirahi replies.

"Of course, anything you need."

Hirahi took Ritsu into his arms and started carrying him to the exit. He stopped at Shimizu and said,

"I'm sorry our date will have to wait. And do you mind if Ritsu sleeps in your room for a while?"

Shimizu just nodded, not being able to refuse.

"I promise I'll spend time with you tomorrow and will come to the hotel we reserved after I talk with Ritsu."

Where the hell will I sleep? On the sofa? Shimizu thought while sadly looking at Hirahi's back as he left, as he was watching his lover's back, Shimizu noticed Ritsu glare at him. He did it with such disrespect that it made his beauty disappear within a second.

Both Mark and Suzuki followed after them. They followed the pair right into Shimizu's room, when Hirahi laid him down he sat down next to him, reminding Shimizu of the times where he was in place of Ritsu.

"What do you have to tell me?" Hirahi asked.

Shimizu couldn't figure out what was happening in Takase's head, he didn't know if he would break up with him because of his ex, which made him panic. Mark noticed it and comforted him by placing his hand on Shimizu's shoulder.

"Can- can I talk to you alone?" asked Ritsu while looking at Mark acting scared.

Hirahi quickly turned around and told them to leave.

"I'll be waiting in the living room." said Shimizu and slammed the door, going after Mark.

They sat on the sofa.

"Are you just going to let them be alone?" Asked Shimizu angrily.

"I can't do anything about it, you heard what Taka said. I left a hidden microphone there, so you can listen to it and tell me what they talked about."

"Why can't you do it?" Asked Shimizu.

"Because, I know Ritsu. Right now he's telling Taka the biggest lie to try and get rid of me, he knows what I'm capable of now. Once he finds out about your relationship with Taka, you might be in danger too. I'll assign a couple of my men to keep an eye on you." Coldly responded Mark.

"Talking about your men, who was outside of the office today? You always walk around with bodyguards?"

He just laughed and ignored Suzuki's question.

"What were you doing with Ritsu in the first place?"

Shimizu remembered that Ritsu lied right from the start. He stomped loudly, on the floor.

"He told me he found Takase's wallet and wanted to give it to him directly. I was so overwhelmed by the situation I completely forgot."

Mark just nodded and relaxed on the sofa.

"Sounds like him."

Shimizu curled up his knees to his head and started biting his nails.

"This thought has been pestering me for a while, but…"

He didn't have to finish the sentence, Mark understood. He came closer to Suzuki and hugged him.

"He won't. And you won't let him fall there again." He looked at Shimizu for affirmation.

The guy nodded and stopped biting his nails.

"How though?"

"You know how. Just make him remember why he likes you. And trust me I won't let Hirahi fall back where he was a long time ago." Mark hugged Shimizu tighter, Suzuki felt wetness on his shoulder. "Please, no matter how hard it is. Don't give up."

Shimizu's eyes filled with tears, cheeks reddened.

"I won't." He whispered.

After they both calmed down, Mark said his goodbye and left. Shimizu didn't have to wait long for Hirahi. He opened the door and as soon as he saw Suzuki he rushed to him.

"I'm so sorry, this is happening. I know how you feel."

Shimizu kept his head down, he couldn't control the tears that rolled down. Hirahi noticed them falling on his legs.