You step up to the podium, momentarily envious of Winston's inability to see the crowd before you. As the applause dies down, you clear your throat, and begin your speech.
"Good afternoon, and thank you all for coming here today."
"Like most of you in this room, I have over the past weeks given some thought to the identity of the next CEO of MetaHuman. My own name was, I confess, quite far down that list." A few chuckles around the room. "And yet I have been nominated for this position. Why? Because MetaHuman is a company in need of change and innovation. What advantage do I have over the other, more established candidates who might have taken this position? I have a fresh perspective, new ideas."
The response to your announcement is fairly muted. But then, it's an approach that is hardly original. The trick will be to convince the group in front of you that you truly have the ability to back up this claim of innovative ability.
You pause a moment, to allow your words to sink in. At least nobody seems overtly negative. Then you go on.