"The first candidate is our current head of research, Claudette Byron," Winston goes on. "There's no reason not to keep her, if you so choose. She's twenty-one years old and has already worked with us for three years. She's a bona fide child prodigy, and you aren't likely to find another candidate as technologically proficient as she is. If you prefer to focus our research department on ultra-high technology, you could do worse than allow Ms. Byron to keep her job."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"The second candidate is simply called Nemesis—or rather, Professor Nemesis. He's a sorcerer of remarkable skill, and has some history in independently developing magical Enhancements, though more for personal advantage than commercial exploitation. He's…" Winston pauses, choosing his words carefully. "Some call him 'The Brain Eater,' and he's been investigated by the police departments of several cities in connection with disappearances. Still, he's never been convicted of any crime."

You aren't entirely surprised that MetaHuman would consider Nemesis for such a prominent position, even given his shady history. The company's own morals are frequently rather gray.

"The third candidate is more of an enigma," says Winston. "His name is Jon-Tarr, and by all accounts he's quite versatile. He's worked in a variety of companies and organizations as something of a journeyman, in both scientific and magical areas. We don't have a great deal of information about his earlier background, though. We can't even say for sure what nationality he is, or if he's…well, human."

"He isn't human?"

"I'm told he's very imposing to look at," says Winston. "You'll understand more when you see him. Anyway, as of now you can access all three candidates' profiles, including preliminary interview details, from your office."

You thank Winston and leave. As he said, you may currently access further information on the three candidates from the Stats Screen.
