"I enjoy working with both, and I feel I'm quite proficient with both. It's true that I'm not a specialist—perhaps I don't have the raw technological talent that Claudette Byron has, for example. Though I am considerably more experienced overall than she is." He smiles.
Despite his genial manner, you could almost believe he was belittling his competition.
"A fine question," says Jon-Tarr, striving to find a satisfactory answer. "Well, if we remove knowledge and experience from consideration, retaining only personality, then I believe that I approach any problem or situation without any existing bias whatsoever. Quite simply, I do not have the same cultural references as you, or any other candidate for this position. My perspective in any given milieu is open-minded and innovative, because I do not conform to the same norms of thinking as most. Some might find that a weakness—they might find me too unpredictable to work with. Personally, I feel it is a great strength."
He smiles, though he seems unsure whether he has answered your question well.