You hear that Claudette is delighted to receive the offer. She'll retain her old position in MetaHuman's laboratory.

As you are preparing to return to your apartment that evening, tired and bleary-eyed, there is a knock on the door of your office. It is Robert Leach. "Do you have a moment?"

"Of course."

He enters, and sits. "Your predecessor, Anaru Katariki, always valued my willingness to present an alternative perspective on a situation. I'd like to think I have that same relationship with you."

"I'm willing to listen to anything that concerns you," you tell him.

"Thank you. I've been preoccupied by one of the candidates for head of research that you rejected: Professor Nemesis, 'The Brain Eater.' The man is a killer. Oh, that's never been proven, but I'm sure you're as capable as I am of reading between the lines of the matter. Now, the police have never been able to touch him. But MetaHuman's influence has, in certain circles, always extended a little further than that of the police. I wonder if we have a responsibility to curb his predatory activities."

"What do you suggest?"

"I don't suggest anything," he says with a weary smile. He's had a long day as well. "I'm merely pointing out alternatives. I believe you aren't yet acquainted with our security facilities here; they might surprise you. It's well within this company's power to watch Professor Nemesis. Or even to discreetly detain him, for as long as you like: indefinitely, even. Or, should you so wish, we could find a more permanent solution.