The Millennium Ballroom is a spectacular venue. Fifty or so circular dining tables have been set up on the ballroom's dance floor. Five immense chandeliers hang over the room, the light they project dimmed to a tasteful level. An attendant leads you to your seat at a table near the stage. And on that stage performs a pop-punk trio, the New Sonic Blockheads. You remember hearing somewhere that their debut album has just gone platinum.

"Neah .! It's good to finally meet you!"

You turn to the speaker, your immediate neighbor at the table. You recognize him at once, though you've never met him in person. It is Aaron Salt, CEO of Psion Industries—MetaHuman's main competitor. He's at the tail end of his thirties, you'd guess, though his face is rather boyish. He regards you with very dark eyes, a somewhat playful expression on his handsome features.

Just then, the New Sonic Blockheads come to the end of their song and walk off stage. "How are you finding things at MetaHuman?" asks Aaron, in the sudden lull. "I hear there's still no news of Anaru Katariki."