"We have Anaru's successor in the crowd tonight, Neah .," Aaron continues. "And I'd like to extend to him the opportunity to honor that commitment. Come up on stage with me, Neah, and let's help the homeless of America together."
You stand, and give the crowd around you a tight smile.
In game terms, to match the donation from Psion Industries, MetaHuman will have to make a one-time dedication of 50 points of Resources, to be deducted from the budget allowance for the month of March.
You join Virginie and Aaron on stage. "Thank you for this opportunity to help the homeless of America, and to honor the commitment made by my predecessor. I will happily match your fantastic donation, Aaron."
You receive a vigorous round of applause. You feel that you've successfully managed to maneuver out of the trap Aaron set for you—though you're also sure that Psion can absorb such a donation much more easily than MetaHuman can right now.