Winston says, "Okay, first point to discuss today is from security. Electra?"

"Actually, it's connected with research as well," she says. "A member of Claudette's research team, Julian Willis, has for some time been keeping a blog of his day-to-day activities. It's hardly gripping reading: his thoughts on life, his favorite places in Seattle, cat videos, the kind of junk that clutters up the internet. But lately he's also started documenting his work activities. Including photos. Photos of confidential equipment and processes."

Electra taps a key on her laptop, and the image on the monitor is replaced by a succession of Julian's photos. He hasn't intentionally taken photos of high-security areas. Mostly, it's just photos of him and a couple of his colleagues joking around, pulling goofy faces. But the labs are in the background of each photo, clearly visible.

You turn to your head of research. "Claudette, do you know this guy? What's he like?"

"He works well," says Claudette, with a little shrug. "I mean, his own opinion of himself is a little high, and he doesn't respond well to criticism. But he's a good fit with the department, despite what these photos suggest. Oh, and he asked me out a couple of times a while back."

Nobody answers that right away, though you see Electra raise an eyebrow.

"I didn't accept," Claudette clarifies.
