Little Cayman is a tiny island, only about ten miles long and a mile wide. From the air, it's almost wholly green. The majority of the island is undeveloped forest. Tourists come here for the exceptional scuba diving and various other water sports.

You land at Edward Bodden Airfield, the island's miniscule airport, and Leach leads you toward a waiting taxi. As you climb in, Winston starts explaining the situation in more detail.

"Tyler Bonnin is a subsidiary of MetaHuman Incorporated that we set up in the Caymans to take advantage of the usual tax and banking exploits. It's a small company, just five people. Now, we know for a fact that they've been diverting our money away to hidden accounts. Two of their employees, Uther Chen and Josh Grable, are awaiting trial for that. I personally suspect that they were doing so with direct instructions from Anaru Katariki. Maybe they were acting on their own initiative. That's my job here today: I plan to sift through their records, if Mr. Leach will be kind enough to help me liaise with Seattle."

"So what's my job here today?" you ask.

"Though I'm authorized to audit the company's records, the head of the company, Marc Bonnin, is under no obligation to report to me—and he's the sort of truculent son of a bitch who won't give out any information you don't pry out of him. But as CEO of his parent company, you're technically his boss; he has to answer to you. I'd like you to find out if he was also involved in this theft. If he was, he's so far managed to stay clean. If there's any dirt on him—any guilt at all—find it."

"I guess it wouldn't be possible just to call him from Seattle?" you say.

"There's a lot of nuance involved in this type of job that wouldn't convey so well by phone," Winston answers. "Plus, right now your office, and much of MetaHuman Tower, is being fitted with anti-surveillance measures to block all technological and supernatural means of observation known to exist. The environment in there right now is a little toxic. This gave me an excuse to pull you away from your desk for a few days."
