Your postponed April staff meeting finally takes place several days later. Present besides yourself are Winston Q, and Electra Jones, with Robert Leach taking the minutes. Claudette Byron sent a message ahead saying she would arrive a little late. Since the first items on the agenda don't concern her, you've decided to proceed regardless. "First point for today is a problem in my own department, Finance," says Winston. You note he's chosen to skip over any mention of Simond Guul's recent visit. "The situation is this: a spat is taking place between two senior managers, Ellen Dane and John Brandlemoor. Ellen is John's immediate boss; keep that in mind. Now, Ellen and John have been romantically involved for about eighteen months. Until a few weeks ago. When John and Ellen split, the atmosphere in my department grew very sour. It crept into the professional side of things; some mistakes were made by both Ellen and John. The whole thing became an irritation, so I transferred John to another role, where he and Ellen have no direct contact."

"Sounds like a fine solution," mentions Electra.

"I thought so," says Winston. "But John doesn't. He says this new role is less challenging, involves less responsibility, and is damaging to his career overall. He's threatening to contact his union rep if we don't approach him with some sort of offer to make this better."

"Sticky," says Leach, one of his rare contributions to these meetings.

"Yes, it is," says Winston. "Thoughts, Neah?"