You join your senior staff for May's meeting. Present besides yourself are Winston, Electra, Claudette, and Leach.

"Thank you all for coming," says Winston, once again taking the role of chair. "I know we're all busy, and personally I'm looking forward to a long lunch, which I plan to start as soon as I leave this room. So let's keep this brief. The first item on the agenda is Electra's."

"We have a security leak—in the IT department rather than my own, I hasten to add."

"What kind of leak?" asks Claudette.

"Hackers," says Electra. "They've been vandalizing MetaHuman's website—inserting profanities and vulgar images, including links to porn sites and that kind of thing. They're a nuisance for now, but since we can't identify precisely how they're entering our system, there's always the possibility that this could become a far more serious security problem."