Spring edges nearer to summer, and on the first day of June you look out from your meeting room and see a sky free of clouds above your home city. On this June morning you are scheduled to have your monthly staff meeting—and yet all you can do is look out across the sky, because Claudette Byron is late.
Present in the meeting room with you are Winston Q, Electra Jones, and Robert Leach, your faithful taker of the minutes.
Winston sighs, and says, "This is annoying. The first two points on the agenda concern the research department." And with that, he reaches out for the conference phone in the center of the desk, finds it, and dials Claudette's number.
Claudette answers. "Hello?"
"You were supposed to be in the Barnum room six minutes ago for our staff meeting," says Winston.
"I know, and I'm really sorry about that," says Claudette. She sounds out of breath. "It's just that I'm getting a lot of strange interference down here. My more sensitive equipment is going haywire. I can't step away from it just now."
"What sort of interference?" asks Electra.
"I wish I knew," Claudette answers. "Listen, I'm confident I'll be able to fix this in the next ten minutes or so. I'll get up there as soon as I can."
"I suppose that will have to do, then," says Winston. And he hangs up.