Blackness, and an odd sensation of being turned inside out. Then you are lying on your back, looking up at a blue, slightly cloudy sky. A tower looms over you, the movement of the clouds creating an illusion of it tilting forward. And then you realize it is MetaHuman Tower, your tower, and that it shows no sign of the damage you have so recently seen.

Groggily, you start to become aware of a commotion around you: people, seemingly surprised by your sudden appearance. You can't seem to summon the energy to look around yourself just yet. The closest noise of all is a hacking cough, and groaning. You do at least manage to turn your head to see its source. It is Randy McGinty. He has rolled over, managing to climb to all fours. He moans again, and spits on the sidewalk beneath him.

"Do not move! Remain exactly where you are!"

That gets your attention. It is the voice of Brett Golightly. He and half a dozen agents stream out of the tower and surround you and McGinty, weapons trained on you.

And then he recognizes you. "Mr. ., you're back!"

"I suppose I am," you say, managing to clamber to your feet. "Please, show Mr. McGinty here to hospitality. He's our guest. Best treatment."

Brett speaks to McGinty, then. "Procedure dictates that you surrender your weapons, sir."

McGinty nods. "Not a problem." He holds out his pistols to one of Brett's men, who takes them from the time traveler and leads him away.

"It's good to see you again," Brett tells you. "Where have you been all this time?"

You glance down. You've been gripping the Zapp Sapper all this time, reflexively. In full daylight, it seems to have a curious blue sheen.

"All this time?" you ask. "What do you mean?"

"Don't you know?" answers Brett. "You've been gone for nearly a month."
