"Next up, as always, is the budget allocation," says Winston. He smiles, then adds, "When you were lost in that dystopian future, I bet this was what you wanted to come back for, right?"

The meeting comes to an end. You retire to your office, still feeling somewhat off-balance. Independence Day is coming, and you hope it will give you a short break in order to take a little time to catch up on any important news you've missed over the last month.

In the last week of July, Robert Leach enters your office. "Excuse me, I have Ms. Jones on the phone. She's calling from Newcastle and requesting that you go meet her at once."

The urgency of the request surprises you. "What's this about?"

"She believes she may have found and trapped the person who shot Anaru Katariki."

Twenty minutes later the skis of your personal helicopter touch down on a landing pad in Newcastle, King County. It takes another eight minutes for you and Leach to arrive at Electra's location, a windowless cold-storage warehouse in an industrial zone. Electra and Brett Golightly are present, accompanied by two dozen armed field agents. So are a handful of MetaHuman's warlocks, you notice. You glance around the surrounding area. It is deserted; Electra has had the area evacuated.

"Ms. Jones, Agent Golightly," you say, shaking hands with both of them. Like the field agents, Brett is armed and wearing black body armor. "Explain what's happening here."

"We had a breakthough," says Electra, the wind whipping her hair around her face. "After Anaru Katariki was killed, we identified some curious magical energies from the shooter's location, energies created by the use of some sort of teleportation magic. This morning, one of our warlocks determined that the killer teleported to this location."
