"The company's shareholders aren't known for caring about employee happiness," says Winston. "But if you can match some figures to your claims, it might be worthwhile."
You glance down at your copy of the meeting's agenda. "I guess we're finished, then."
"Not quite," says Winston. "There still remains the matter of your vacation. This is not optional—aside from the ethical regulations that require all employees, without exception, to take a minimum of two weeks' vacation every year, I believe it would be dangerous for this company's CEO to risk overfatigue and burnout. Wanda?"
"Mr. Leach and I have taken the liberty of preparing some vacation packages," says Wanda. "Very broadly, they fall into three areas. First, we have the thrill-seeker vacation, which gives you the opportunity to experience a variety of extreme sports activities: mountain climbing, base jumping, and so on; a flight simulating a zero-gravity environment is also included, if you wish. It goes without saying that you'll be based in a five-star hotel for the duration. Second, we have the relaxing vacation: you'll be staying on a private tropical island, with full use of one of the best health spas in the world. Third, should you be averse to any unproductive use of time, is the study vacation: you'll jet out to Dubai to attend seminars by some of the world's leading management gurus and business strategists. You'll have plenty of time to relax as well, of course."