Seeing the surprise in your face, he smiles and says, "I, myself, am completely human. I have been augmented, however—I possess an Enhancement, to use MetaHuman's terminology—so that I can more easily perceive and communicate with the H'ssurru'ssurri around us. As I'm sure you're aware, we humans normally find them completely invisible and intangible."

"What do you want, Mr. Gable?"

He rests his elbows on the fold-out table between you, and steeples his fingers. "I'm here to propose a deal. First, let me outline the long-term goal of the H'ssurru'ssurri - shall we use "Surgeons"? I'll strain my tongue muscles, otherwise."

"Go on," you say.

"The Surgeons wish to breed," says Gable. "They do so parasitically, converting the DNA of a sentient host by making this host a Surgeon in body and mind. Of course, like any efficient parasite, they have no wish to harm their host—the number of human beings chosen as hosts will be a minuscule percentage of the number of humans on this planet."

"Sounds like a good deal for the Surgeons," you say.

"And for us humans as well," says Gable. "The Surgeons have it in their power to control overpopulation, to eradicate disease and even hunger. If we allow the Surgeons to come to this planet in large numbers, they will transform it into a veritable utopia."

"Albeit a utopia under their control," you say.

Gable gives a small smile.

You can't help but think of the ruin of Seattle that you witnessed during your trip to the future.