"No, the US goverment is innocent of any crimes here—save, perhaps, the crimes of ignorance and inaction."
With that, a wind suddenly whips up around you—it feels like icy lances are being pushed through your naked body.
"A gift of knowledge," says Masfiwi, his voice still resounding all around you. "Anaru Katariki was the one who first discovered the Surgeons, and contacted them, and showed them how they might send a small number of scouts to this world. Unfortunately, in this test of truth, such knowledge comes at a price. It's so much easier to move on if you bring that knowledge with you…"
You begin to see those icy lances now: long, hard icicles that trail away to mist. They push forward into you—and you suddenly realize that the damage they inflict will harm your soul, rather than your body.
You cry out as they pierce you. At last the onslaught ceases. You find you've dropped to your hands and knees. Woozy, wobbly, you stand once more.