The intense white luminescence returns, growing out of the symbol on the floor. You raise your arm to shield yourself against the brightness, yet once again the glare blocks out your vision.

And then it is gone, and the world around you is hard, and cold, and dark. And it is real, and physical; you're sure of it, with every sense you possess. You are no longer in your office in Seattle; rather, you are lying naked on a dusty cave floor, and your head hurts.

Now, having returned to reality, you wonder if you ever truly stood beside that immense, glowing symbol. Real or not, your eyes are finding it hard to adjust to the sudden shift between brightness and darkness. You feel a hand take yours; it pulls you up, helping you to your feet.

Your eyes focus. Anaru Katariki is standing before you. Real, and solid, and alive.

Beside him stands a shorter, wrinkled little man. He is the one who speaks. "Hello, Neah. My name is Salem Masfiwi, and it is a pleasure to meet you in person. I apologize for asking an unfair question—you had no way of knowing why Anaru Katariki named you as CEO of MetaHuman. Let me give you that answer now. He did it because I asked him to."
