"Okay, we've got a lot of ground to cover this morning," says Winston. "Let me start. I've been receiving expense reports from the IT department that are higher than usual. I personally proposed streamlining measures to that section six weeks ago, and in my opinion it's the department head, Morris Davison, who's responsible for failing to implement those measures."

You cast a glance around the table at the others present—Electra, Leach, and Claudette—and you settle back into your seat. You have a feeling this will be a long meeting.

"We've never had problems with Davison failing to make changes when necessary in the past," Winston goes on. "So far, it isn't clear why this case in particular is different. If it's simply that he's chosen to disregard instructions, I'd strongly recommend disciplinary—"

Winston doesn't get to finish his sentence. A sudden explosion blasts one face of MetaHuman Tower, shattering the meeting room's windows and filling the room with flying glass.
