The explosions continue for twenty minutes and then stop as abruptly as they began. Fifty or sixty blasts have hit various parts of Seattle. Some have caused relatively little harm, others have caused massive damage.

You stop at Electra's office, watching the news on her computer screen as it comes in. Looking out across the security department, you see that most of her team are doing the same thing.

And as the casualty figures rise, you remember what you learned from Mekk during your trip to the future: that a series of explosions rocked Seattle as the Surgeons experimented with their spatial conduit machine, trying to travel to Earth en masse.

You have a good idea of the cause of this chaos.

"More information about Psion," says Leach, tapping his tablet. "Aaron Salt was present when the explosion hit. He's been taken to Northwest. Best I can see is…he's comatose. No more news than that, for now."


"One other thing," Leach says. "A few agencies have contacted us, asking for a response on what's happened to Psion."